Parenting stress and child behavior problems: A transactional relationship across time
Parenting stress and child behavior problems have been posited to have a transactional
effect on each other across development. However, few studies have tested this model …
effect on each other across development. However, few studies have tested this model …
Prematurity, neonatal health status, and later child behavioral/emotional problems: A systematic review
Preterm birth can impact on child development. As seen previously, children born preterm
present more behavioral and/or emotional problems than do full‐term counterparts. In …
present more behavioral and/or emotional problems than do full‐term counterparts. In …
Maternal emotional and behavioral regulation/dysregulation and parenting practices: a systematic review
Emotional and behavioral regulations are crucial for the development of perceptive,
responsive, and flexible parenting. Moreover, maternal emotional dysregulation constitutes …
responsive, and flexible parenting. Moreover, maternal emotional dysregulation constitutes …
Childhood trauma and psychiatric disorders as correlates of school dropout in a national sample of young adults
The effect of childhood trauma, psychiatric diagnoses, and mental health services on school
dropout among US‐born and immigrant youth is examined using data from the Collaborative …
dropout among US‐born and immigrant youth is examined using data from the Collaborative …
Effects of early maternal distress and parenting on the development of children's self-regulation and externalizing behavior
Emotional distress experienced by mothers increases young children's risk of externalizing
problems through suboptimal parenting and child self-regulation. An integrative structural …
problems through suboptimal parenting and child self-regulation. An integrative structural …
Individual differences in the development of early peer aggression: Integrating contributions of self-regulation, theory of mind, and parenting
This prospective longitudinal study focused on self-regulatory, social–cognitive, and
parenting precursors of individual differences in children's peer-directed aggression at early …
parenting precursors of individual differences in children's peer-directed aggression at early …
Interactions between maternal parenting and children's early disruptive behavior: Bidirectional associations across the transition from preschool to school entry
This study was a prospective 2-year longitudinal investigation of associations between
negative maternal parenting and disruptive child behavior across the preschool to school …
negative maternal parenting and disruptive child behavior across the preschool to school …
Mental health problems and onset of tobacco use among 12-to 24-year-olds in the PATH study
Objective To examine whether mental health problems predict incident use of 12 different
tobacco products in a nationally representative sample of youth and young adults. Method …
tobacco products in a nationally representative sample of youth and young adults. Method …
Child effortful control as a mediator of parenting practices on externalizing behavior: Evidence for a sex-differentiated pathway across the transition from preschool to …
An explanatory model for children's development of disruptive behavior across the transition
from preschool to school was tested. It was hypothesized that child effortful control would …
from preschool to school was tested. It was hypothesized that child effortful control would …
The effects of parental depressive symptoms, appraisals, and physical punishment on later child externalizing behavior
Examined a cognitive-behavioral pathway by which depressive symptoms in mothers and
fathers increase risk for later child externalizing problem behavior via parents' appraisals of …
fathers increase risk for later child externalizing problem behavior via parents' appraisals of …