Prenatal stress and externalizing behaviors in childhood and adolescence: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
Accumulating evidence suggests that psychological distress during pregnancy is linked to
offspring risk for externalizing outcomes (eg, reactive/aggressive behaviors, hyperactivity …
offspring risk for externalizing outcomes (eg, reactive/aggressive behaviors, hyperactivity …
Paternal adverse childhood experiences: associations with infant DNA methylation
Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), or cumulative childhood stress exposures, such as
abuse, neglect, and household dysfunction, predict later health problems in both the …
abuse, neglect, and household dysfunction, predict later health problems in both the …
Thinking across generations: Unique contributions of maternal early life and prenatal stress to infant physiology
Objective Respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA) is a parasympathetic-mediated biomarker of
self-regulation linked to lifespan mental and physical health outcomes. Intergenerational …
self-regulation linked to lifespan mental and physical health outcomes. Intergenerational …
Evolutionary significance of the neuroendocrine stress axis on vertebrate immunity and the influence of the microbiome on early-life stress regulation and health …
Stress is broadly defined as the non-specific biological response to changes in homeostatic
demands and is mediated by the evolutionarily conserved neuroendocrine networks of the …
demands and is mediated by the evolutionarily conserved neuroendocrine networks of the …
Autonomic nervous system functioning assessed during the still-face paradigm: A meta-analysis and systematic review of methods, approach and findings
Animal and human research suggests that the development of the autonomic nervous
system (ANS) is particularly sensitive to early parenting experiences. The Still-Face …
system (ANS) is particularly sensitive to early parenting experiences. The Still-Face …