The ecology of individuals: incidence and implications of individual specialization

DI Bolnick, R Svanbäck, JA Fordyce… - The American …, 2003‏ -
Most empirical and theoretical studies of resource use and population dynamics treat
conspecific individuals as ecologically equivalent. This simplification is only justified if …

[PDF][PDF] Food Habits 8

CD MARTI, M BECHARD, FM JAKSIC - Raptor, 2007‏ -
Wildlife managers first became interested in raptor food habits in their attempts to assess the
impact of raptors on game animals and livestock (Fisher 1893, Errington 1930), but …

Sampling bias is a challenge for quantifying specialization and network structure: lessons from a quantitative niche model

J Fründ, KS McCann, NM Williams - Oikos, 2016‏ - Wiley Online Library
Network approaches have become a popular tool for understanding ecological complexity in
a changing world. Many network descriptors relate directly or indirectly to specialization …

Age structure component of niche width and intraspecific resource partitioning: can age groups function as ecological species?

GA Polis - The American Naturalist, 1984‏ -
Many species pass through several distinct age classes (instars or year classes) as they
grow. The variety of resources used by age classes effectively expands niche width. This" …

Sexual segregation and density‐related changes in habitat use in male and female Red deer (Cerrus elaphus)

TH Clutton‐Brock, GR Iason, FE Guinness - Journal of Zoology, 1987‏ - Wiley Online Library
Sex differences in diet and habitat use in Red deer occur in several areas of Scotland. In
some cases, they are a consequence of differences in the altjtude levels used but, on Rhum …

Food resource partitioning in a rocky intertidal fish assemblage

GD Grossman - Journal of Zoology, 1986‏ - Wiley Online Library
A resident intertidal fish assemblage at Dillon Beach, California, USA, was persistent and
resilient for a 42‐month period. Data from a previous study indicated that productivity was …

Food resource partitioning in a fish community of the central Amazon floodplain

B Mérona, J Rankin-de-Mérona - Neotropical Ichthyology, 2004‏ - SciELO Brasil
Diets of most of fish species inhabiting a floodplain lake in central Amazonia were studied
over a two years and half period. Based on the percentage of relative occurrence of 11 …

Persistence and structure of the fish assemblage in a small California stream

PB Moyle, B Vondracek - Ecology, 1985‏ - Wiley Online Library
The persistence and structure of a small but morphologically diverse fish assemblage of a
California stream was examined to see if it had the characteristics of a deterministically …

Early life history of the red drum,Sciaenops ocellatus (Pisces: Sciaenidae), in Tampa Bay, Florida

KM Peters, RH McMichael - Estuaries, 1987‏ - Springer
The distribution, hatching dates, growth, and food habits of larval and juvenile red drum
(Sciaenops ocellatus) in Tampa Bay, Florida, are described. From September 1981 through …

Niche overlap and the potential for competition and intraguild predation between size‐structured populations

SA Wissinger - Ecology, 1992‏ - Wiley Online Library
Many populations are heterogeneous collections of different sizes or stages of conspecifics.
Existing overlap indices do not account for the size—/stage—structured nature of these …