Animal borne ocean sensors–AniBOS–An essential component of the global ocean observing system
Marine animals equipped with biological and physical electronic sensors have produced
long-term data streams on key marine environmental variables, hydrography, animal …
long-term data streams on key marine environmental variables, hydrography, animal …
Trends in tagging of marine mammals: a review of marine mammal biologging studies
T McIntyre - African journal of marine science, 2014 - Taylor & Francis
The number of scientific papers resulting from biologging instruments deployed on marine
mammals is increasing as improved technologies result in smaller devices and improved …
mammals is increasing as improved technologies result in smaller devices and improved …
Southern elephant seal foraging success in relation to temperature and light conditions: insight into prey distribution
The distribution of southern elephant seal Mirounga leonina prey encounter events (PEEs)
was investigated from the foraging behaviour of 29 post-breeding females simultaneously …
was investigated from the foraging behaviour of 29 post-breeding females simultaneously …
Linking foraging behaviour to physical oceanographic structures: Southern elephant seals and mesoscale eddies east of Kerguelen Islands
In the Southern Ocean, mesoscale features, such as fronts and eddies, have been shown to
have a significant impact in structuring and enhancing primary productivity. They are …
have a significant impact in structuring and enhancing primary productivity. They are …
Stable isotope analyses reveal individual variability in the trophic ecology of a top marine predator, the southern elephant seal
Identifying individuals' foraging strategies is critical to understanding the ecology of a
species, and can provide the means to predict possible ecological responses to …
species, and can provide the means to predict possible ecological responses to …
Mesoscale eddies as foraging area of a deep-diving predator, the southern elephant seal
Physical processes, such as mesoscale eddies, play an important role in ocean mixing and
concentrating biological productivity, which provides great feeding opportunities for many …
concentrating biological productivity, which provides great feeding opportunities for many …
Ecological implications of eddy retention in the open ocean: a Lagrangian approach
The repartition of tracers in the ocean's upper layer on the scale of a few tens of kilometres is
largely determined by the horizontal transport induced by surface currents. Here we …
largely determined by the horizontal transport induced by surface currents. Here we …
Population-specific sex and size variation in long-term foraging ecology of belugas and narwhals
Intraspecific variation in resource use by individuals of different age, sex or size may reflect
differing energetic requirements and physiological constraints. Males and females often …
differing energetic requirements and physiological constraints. Males and females often …
Identifying foraging events in deep diving southern elephant seals, Mirounga leonina, using acceleration data loggers
Southern elephant seals (Mirounga leonina) range widely throughout the Southern Ocean
and are associated with important habitats (eg, ice edges, shelf) where they accumulate …
and are associated with important habitats (eg, ice edges, shelf) where they accumulate …
Coastal polynyas: Winter oases for subadult southern elephant seals in East Antarctica
Antarctic coastal polynyas are regions of persistent open water and are thought to be key bio-
physical features within the sea-ice zone. However, their use by the upper trophic levels of …
physical features within the sea-ice zone. However, their use by the upper trophic levels of …