{EPK}: Scalable and efficient memory protection keys
As a hardware mechanism for facilitating intra-process memory isolation, Intel Memory
Protection Keys (MPK) has been leveraged to efficiently improve the isolation, security, or …
Protection Keys (MPK) has been leveraged to efficiently improve the isolation, security, or …
Treesls: A whole-system persistent microkernel with tree-structured state checkpoint on nvm
Whole-system persistence promises simplified application deployment and near-
instantaneous recovery. This can be implemented using single-level store (SLS) through …
instantaneous recovery. This can be implemented using single-level store (SLS) through …
Append is near: Log-based data management on ZNS SSDs
Log-based data management systems use storage as if it were an append-only medium,
transforming random writes into sequential writes, which delivers significant benefits when …
transforming random writes into sequential writes, which delivers significant benefits when …
Optimizing file systems on heterogeneous memory by integrating {DRAM} cache with virtual memory management
Y Liu, Y Ren, M Liu, H Li, H Guo, X Miao, X Hu… - … USENIX Conference on …, 2024 - usenix.org
This paper revisits the usage of DRAM cache in DRAM-PM heterogeneous memory file
systems. With a comprehensive analysis of existing file systems with cache-based and DAX …
systems. With a comprehensive analysis of existing file systems with cache-based and DAX …
Vinter: Automatic {Non-Volatile} Memory Crash Consistency Testing for Full Systems
S Kalbfleisch, L Werling, F Bellosa - 2022 USENIX Annual Technical …, 2022 - usenix.org
Non-volatile memory (NVM) is a new byte-addressable storage technology that is part of the
processor's memory hierarchy. NVM is often exposed to applications via an in-kernel file …
processor's memory hierarchy. NVM is often exposed to applications via an in-kernel file …
Nonvolatile memory technologies: Characteristics, deployment, and research challenges
Nonvolatile memory (NVM) is a class of memory that exhibits persistence, similar to
secondary memory, while providing access speeds at least an order of two magnitudes …
secondary memory, while providing access speeds at least an order of two magnitudes …
Simurgh: a fully decentralized and secure NVMM user space file system
The availability of non-volatile main memory (NVMM) has started a new era for storage
systems and NVMM specific file systems can support extremely high data and metadata …
systems and NVMM specific file systems can support extremely high data and metadata …
CARAT CAKE: Replacing paging via compiler/kernel cooperation
Virtual memory, specifically paging, is undergoing significant innovation due to being
challenged by new demands from modern workloads. Recent work has demonstrated an …
challenged by new demands from modern workloads. Recent work has demonstrated an …
Carbon-aware memory placement
The carbon footprint of software activities is determined by embodied and operational
emissions of hardware resources. This paper presents cMemento, a concept that enables …
emissions of hardware resources. This paper presents cMemento, a concept that enables …
CPU-free Computing: A Vision with a Blueprint
A Trivedi, MS Brunella - Proceedings of the 19th Workshop on Hot Topics …, 2023 - dl.acm.org
Since the inception of computing, we have been reliant on CPU-powered architectures.
However, today this reliance is challenged by manufacturing limitations (CMOS scaling) …
However, today this reliance is challenged by manufacturing limitations (CMOS scaling) …