Data migration in the cloud database: A review of vendor solutions and challenges

VN Boddapati, M Sarisa, MS Reddy… - Available at SSRN …, 2022 -
An important development in information technology, cloud computing allows users to share
Internetbased access to pre-con Figured systems and services. While there are many …

Data Migration in the Cloud Database: A Review of Vendor Solutions and Challenges

S Bauskar, VN Boddapati, M Sarisa… - Available at SSRN …, 2022 -
An important development in information technology, cloud computing allows users to share
Internetbased access to pre-con Figured systems and services. While there are many …

Document-oriented data schema for relational database migration to NoSQL

S Hamouda, Z Zainol - … conference on big data innovations and …, 2017 -
Big data has become a crucial issue and one of the most important technologies in the
modern world. The management of a semi-structured data format for big data is an important …

A framework for data migration between different datastore of NoSQL database

YS Wijaya, AA Arman - … Conference on ICT for Smart Society …, 2018 -
Since its origin, the NoSQL database has achieved widespread use, but NoSQL (Not Only
SQL) still a new concept in database technology that has much lack, especially the standard …

Migration from relational to NoSQL database

S Ghotiya, J Mandal, S Kandasamy - IOP conference series …, 2017 -
Data generated by various real time applications, social networking sites and sensor
devices is of very huge amount and unstructured, which makes it difficult for Relational …

Distributed software dependency management using blockchain

G D'mello, H González-Vélez - 2019 27th Euromicro …, 2019 -
Contemporary software deployments rely on cloud-based package managers for
installation, where existing packages are installed on demand from remote code …

[PDF][PDF] A middleware for polyglot persistence and data portability of big data paas cloud applications

K Kaur, S Sharma, KS Kahlon - CMC-Comput. Mater. Contin, 2020 -
Vendor lock-in can occur at any layer of the cloud stack-Infrastructure, Platform, and
Software-as-a-service. This paper covers the vendor lock-in issue at Platform as a Service …

Toward a smart approach of migration from relational system database to nosql system: Transformation rules of structure

A Erraji, A Maizate, M Ouzzif - … of the International Conference on Smart …, 2021 - Springer
In the last few years, databases have become very important and very large because they
play a strategic and important role in most organizations and because they receive a huge …

Federation and orchestration: A scalable solution for EU multimodal travel information services

A Detti, G Tropea, N Blefari Melazzi, D Kjenstad… - Sustainability, 2019 -
Multimodal travel planning services allow travelers to plan their journey by combining
different transport modes: air, rail, waterborne, coach, public transport, demand responsive …