Griefbots, deadbots, postmortem avatars: On responsible applications of generative AI in the digital afterlife industry

T Hollanek, K Nowaczyk-Basińska - Philosophy & Technology, 2024 - Springer
To analyze potential negative consequences of adopting generative AI solutions in the
digital afterlife industry (DAI), in this paper we present three speculative design scenarios for …

[CARTE][B] The digital republic: on freedom and democracy in the 21st century

J Susskind - 2022 -
A FINANCIAL TIMES BOOK TO READ _______________'One of the foremost thinkers on
the transformative impact of the technology revolution'-TONY BLAIR'Original and hopeful... a …

Exploring the Immortological Imagination: Advocating for a Sociology of Immortality

K Nowaczyk-Basińska, P Kiel - Social Sciences, 2024 -
The digital age has rekindled popular and academic interest in immortality. While the idea of
immortality has long been recognized as fundamental to human societies, unlike death …

Impossibility results about inheritance and order of death

Y Wang - Plos one, 2022 -
If several relatives died with no will, the order of their deaths could affect the inheritance
result. When the order of death is unknown, there are three approaches to determine the …

Sidewalk Labs closed down–whither Google's smart city?

C Carr, M Hesse - Regions-E-Magazine, 2020 -
This article was adapted, revised and updated from the original,“Sidewalk Labs is closing
down–Lessons from Toronto's realpolitik” published at Urbanization Unbound, the blogspot …

Digital afterlife leaders: professionalisation as a social innovation in the digital afterlife industry

K Nowaczyk-Basińska - Mortality, 2025 - Taylor & Francis
Since the term 'digital afterlife industry'(DAI) was coined in 2017 by Carl Öhman and Luciano
Floridi, scholarly attention has primarily focused on establishing ethical frameworks for this …

Assessing the Japanese Turn in AI and Robot Ethics: Extracting Meaningful Principles Between Exoticism and Empiricism in the Case of AIBO

V Galanos, M Reisel - IFIP International Conference on Human Choice and …, 2020 - Springer
The present paper critically examines a recent recurrent pattern of Western scholarship of
importing sets of Japanese ethics in artificial intelligence/data/robot ethics contexts without a …

Legal certainty regarding pluralism of inheritance law in Indonesia in the transfer of inheritance rights in Indonesia

INP Suryawan, R Sara - Indonesian …, 2024 -
In Indonesia, the inheritance law system is divided into civil, Islamic, and customary law. In
the context of inheritance rights transfer, the diversity of legal systems that include civil …

Legal certainty regarding online legal consultation regulations by advocates

RA Taufan, M Barthos - Indonesian …, 2024 -
The legal landscape surrounding online legal consultations in Indonesia is complex. This
research aims to analyze the legal certainty surrounding the regulation of online legal …

Il delicato rapporto fra diritto penale e nuove tecnologie nel contrasto al cyberterrorismo. Il quadro normativo nazionale ed eurounitario.

E Benato - 2023 -
Cybernetics is the science related to the transmission of information in the cyberspace, that
is a virtual dimension that is not described by the space-time coordinates which characterize …