[HTML][HTML] Impact of digitalization on customers' well-being in the pandemic period: Challenges and opportunities for the retail industry

U Akram, MT Fülöp, A Tiron-Tudor, DI Topor… - International Journal of …, 2021 - mdpi.com
Order increases, supply chain disruptions, changing customer behavior, store closures, and
more that have been caused by the coronavirus epidemic (COVID-19) will undoubtedly …

Role of mobile food-ordering applications in develo** restaurants' brand satisfaction and loyalty in the pandemic period

T Dirsehan, E Cankat - Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 2021 - Elsevier
Retailers and their supply-chain partners should reconsider their competitive advantages in
today's technology-enhanced environment and search for opportunities to collaborate …

The use of social media and its impact on shop** behavior of Slovak and Italian consumers during COVID-19 pandemic

V Ali Taha, T Pencarelli, V Škerháková, R Fedorko… - Sustainability, 2021 - mdpi.com
The coronavirus crisis hit the world and affected all aspects of our lives, including
consumers' habits, preferences, and shop** behaviors. The survey, which involved 937 …

The COVID-19 pandemic and the changes in consumer habits and behavior

CL Bausch, GS Milan, AP Graciola… - Revista Gestão e …, 2021 - periodicos.feevale.br
In a short time, the COVID-19 pandemic transformed people's behavior, undermining firms
and businesses and changing the global economy. In this context, the study aimed to …

Assessing the effects of COVID-19-related risk on online shop** behavior

JC Soares, R Limongi, JH De Sousa Júnior… - Journal of Marketing …, 2023 - Springer
In times of pandemic and social distancing, the risks tied to leaving home to make purchases
can cause consumers to seek online means to perform such activities. In this sense, the …

Examining the importance of gamification, social interaction and perceived enjoyment among young female online buyers in India

P Raman - Young Consumers, 2021 - emerald.com
Purpose The current research has dual motives. Firstly, this study aims to evaluate the effect
of gamification on the behavioural intention (BI) of the young female consumers to use …

Export risk perceptions of SMEs in selected Visegrad countries

A Ključnikov, M Civelek, C Klimeš… - … . Quarterly Journal of …, 2022 - ceeol.com
Research background: Export activities are crucial for SMEs' growth and income since they
enable businesses to expand abroad. However, SMEs encounter some export impediments …

[HTML][HTML] Map** the evolution of e-commerce research through co-word analysis: 2001–2020

Y Bai, H Li - Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 2022 - Elsevier
This current study examines how research themes and trends have developed in the e-
commerce field, aiming to provide a comprehensive understanding of e-commerce research …

The future of e-commerce systems: 2030 and beyond

A Mohdhar, K Shaalan - … Advances in Technology Acceptance Models and …, 2021 - Springer
The sophistication and efficiency of systems is undeniably advancing. As businesses evolve,
questions on its past performance is beside the point but its anticipated functions and …

How do SMEs from different countries perceive export impediments depending on their firm-level characteristics? System approach

M Civelek, V Krajčík - Oeconomia Copernicana, 2022 - ceeol.com
Research background: The differences in the legal structures, tax rates, and cultural-
linguistic issues of various countries have always been a significant concern for SMEs in …