[HTML][HTML] Technology and maritime security in Africa: Opportunities and challenges in Gulf of Guinea
Maritime security threats undermine safety and security at sea and, in turn, coastal states'
efforts to harness the resources in their maritime domain. This assertion is true for coastal …
efforts to harness the resources in their maritime domain. This assertion is true for coastal …
A global meta-analysis of gillnet bycatch of toothed whales: Mitigation measures and research gaps
Odontocetes are globally distributed and are foundational to the structure and function of
marine food webs, and hence bycatch impacts from gillnet fishing need to be considered in …
marine food webs, and hence bycatch impacts from gillnet fishing need to be considered in …
Extracting Mediterranean hidden fishing hotspots through big data mining
Monitoring fishing activity is crucial for fisheries management and governments to ensure
regulatory compliance and sustainable marine ecosystems. Analysing vessel movements …
regulatory compliance and sustainable marine ecosystems. Analysing vessel movements …
Estimating hidden fishing activity hotspots from vessel transmitted data
Monitoring fishery activity is essential for resource planning and guaranteeing fisheries
sustainability. Large fishing vessels constantly and continuously communicate their …
sustainability. Large fishing vessels constantly and continuously communicate their …
Setting the net lower: a potential low‐cost mitigation method to reduce cetacean bycatch in drift gillnet fisheries
Bycatch is the most significant threat to marine megafauna (sea turtles, marine mammals,
elasmobranchs, seabirds) worldwide, and the leading cause of the decline of several …
elasmobranchs, seabirds) worldwide, and the leading cause of the decline of several …
[HTML][HTML] An open science approach to infer fishing activity pressure on stocks and biodiversity from vessel tracking data
Vessel tracking data help study the potential impact of fisheries on biodiversity and produce
risk assessments. Existing workflows process vessel tracks to identify fishing activity and …
risk assessments. Existing workflows process vessel tracks to identify fishing activity and …
Spatially explicit risk assessment of marine megafauna vulnerability to Indian Ocean tuna fisheries
By‐catch is the most significant direct threat marine megafauna face at the global scale.
However, the magnitude and spatial patterns of megafauna by‐catch are still poorly …
However, the magnitude and spatial patterns of megafauna by‐catch are still poorly …
[PDF][PDF] Development and implementation of a fully randomized sampling design for a fishery monitoring program
J Cahalan, C Faunce - 2020 - repository.library.noaa.gov
Fishery observer programs in the United States are mandated to collect fishery-dependent
data. These monitoring programs must have clear objectives and be statistically sound …
data. These monitoring programs must have clear objectives and be statistically sound …
Threats of illegal, unregulated, and unreported fishing to biodiversity and food security in the Republic of the Congo
PD Doherty, BC Atsango, G Ngassiki… - Conservation …, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Illegal, unregulated, and unreported (IUU) fishing poses a major threat to effective
management of marine resources, affecting biodiversity and communities dependent on …
management of marine resources, affecting biodiversity and communities dependent on …
[CITÁCIA][C] Measures to prevent the importation of illegal, unreported and unregulated seafood: Discussion paper
1 Submission to Measures to prevent the importation of illegal, unreported and unregulated
seafood: Discussion Paper Submitted t Page 1 1 Submission to Measures to prevent the …
seafood: Discussion Paper Submitted t Page 1 1 Submission to Measures to prevent the …