Performance indicators for the evaluation of product-service systems design: a review
Recently, industries have shifted their focus on the combined ecosystem of products-
services. The innovative business strategy of PSS provides an integrated solution that gives …
services. The innovative business strategy of PSS provides an integrated solution that gives …
Using design rules to guide the PSS design in an engineering platform based on the product service lifecycle management paradigm
Nowadays, product service systems (PSSs) and smart products are surging in the market
and acquiring a strategic role for companies' survival. Manufacturers, compelled towards the …
and acquiring a strategic role for companies' survival. Manufacturers, compelled towards the …
An approach for the modelling and quantification of PSS customisation
A Product–Service System (PSS) is a dynamic and multidimensional system that is
comprised of products, services, a large network of stakeholders and all necessary …
comprised of products, services, a large network of stakeholders and all necessary …
Classification and map** of PSS evaluation approaches
The evaluation of a Product-Service System (PSS), particularly during its design phase but
also throughout its lifecycle, is a challenging problem. It exhibits dynamic nature and is …
also throughout its lifecycle, is a challenging problem. It exhibits dynamic nature and is …
[HTML][HTML] Gestión del conocimiento y procesos en las empresas del sector turístico del departamento de Caldas (Colombia)
La gestión de conocimiento y la gestión de procesos son desarrollos fundamentales para
las empresas de hoy; en este sentido, las empresas del sector turístico del departamento de …
las empresas de hoy; en este sentido, las empresas del sector turístico del departamento de …
How to use virtual prototy** to design product-service systems
Numerous companies all around the world are shifting from traditional products to product-
service solutions, thanks to the increased “intelligence” and “connectivity” of modern …
service solutions, thanks to the increased “intelligence” and “connectivity” of modern …
Relationship between intangible capital, knowledge and maintenance performance in a PSS network: an empirical investigation
Y Hu, J Ke, Z Guo, J Wen - Procedia CIRP, 2015 - Elsevier
Maintenance serves as the major engineering service in the PSS delivery model, it has a
key role in delivering performance driven solutions. Leveraging the strengths of a dynamic …
key role in delivering performance driven solutions. Leveraging the strengths of a dynamic …
Identification of knowledge and processes in design projects
DM Schmidt, D Kammerl, B Schultz… - DS 80-10 …, 2015 - designsociety.org
As market's requirements change, companies have to conserve, develop and manage their
knowledge to provide more complex products. For this reason and in the background of …
knowledge to provide more complex products. For this reason and in the background of …
Organizational culture and knowledge cycle in the SMES of the tourist sector of the department of Caldas-Colombia
Abstract—This article presents the results of a research that aims to determine the state of
advancement of the life cycle of organizational knowledge related to the organizational …
advancement of the life cycle of organizational knowledge related to the organizational …
Y Fan, C Liu, J Wang - icas.org
The amount and quality of manufacturing knowledge in the knowledge base determine the
degree of intelligence in the manufacturing process, and one of the most challenging issues …
degree of intelligence in the manufacturing process, and one of the most challenging issues …