Urban flood numerical simulation: Research, methods and future perspectives
Urban flooding has become an increasingly frequent and fatal natural hazard and numerical
modeling techniques play a vital role in its prediction and management. We review urban …
modeling techniques play a vital role in its prediction and management. We review urban …
Traffic state estimation on highway: A comprehensive survey
Traffic state estimation (TSE) refers to the process of the inference of traffic state variables
(ie, flow, density, speed and other equivalent variables) on road segments using partially …
(ie, flow, density, speed and other equivalent variables) on road segments using partially …
Estimating traffic volumes for signalized intersections using connected vehicle data
Recently connected vehicle (CV) technology has received significant attention thanks to
active pilot deployments supported by the US Department of Transportation (USDOT). At …
active pilot deployments supported by the US Department of Transportation (USDOT). At …
Macroscopic network-level traffic models: Bridging fifty years of development toward the next era
Network macroscopic fundamental diagrams (NMFD) and related network-level traffic
dynamics models have received both theoretical support and empirical validation with the …
dynamics models have received both theoretical support and empirical validation with the …
An analytical approximation for the macroscopic fundamental diagram of urban traffic
This paper shows that a macroscopic fundamental diagram (MFD) relating average flow and
average density must exist on any street with blocks of diverse widths and lengths, but no …
average density must exist on any street with blocks of diverse widths and lengths, but no …
Hybrid machine learning algorithm and statistical time series model for network-wide traffic forecast
We propose a novel approach for network-wide traffic state prediction where the statistical
time series model ARIMA is used to postprocess the residuals out of the fundamental …
time series model ARIMA is used to postprocess the residuals out of the fundamental …
Lane-changing in traffic streams
It is postulated that lane-changing vehicles create voids in traffic streams, and that these
voids reduce flow. This mechanism is described with a model that tracks lane changers …
voids reduce flow. This mechanism is described with a model that tracks lane changers …
Estimation of traffic energy consumption based on macro-micro modelling with sparse data from Connected and Automated Vehicles
Traffic energy consumption estimation is significant for the sustainable transportation.
However, it is difficult to directly employ macro traffic flow data to accurately estimate the …
However, it is difficult to directly employ macro traffic flow data to accurately estimate the …
Macroscopic fundamental diagrams: A cross-comparison of estimation methods
This paper aims to cross-compare existing estimation methods for the Macroscopic
Fundamental Diagram. Raw data are provided by a mesoscopic simulation tool for two …
Fundamental Diagram. Raw data are provided by a mesoscopic simulation tool for two …
A mechanism to describe the formation and propagation of stop-and-go waves in congested freeway traffic
This paper introduces a parsimonious theory for congested freeway traffic that describes the
spontaneous appearance of oscillations and their ensuing transformation into stop-and-go …
spontaneous appearance of oscillations and their ensuing transformation into stop-and-go …