Habitat–performance relationships: finding the right metric at a given spatial scale
The field of habitat ecology has been muddled by imprecise terminology regarding what
constitutes habitat, and how importance is measured through use, selection, avoidance and …
constitutes habitat, and how importance is measured through use, selection, avoidance and …
Corridors for conservation: integrating pattern and process
Corridors are commonly used to connect fragments of wildlife habitat, yet the identification of
conservation corridors typically neglects processes of habitat selection and movement for …
conservation corridors typically neglects processes of habitat selection and movement for …
Spatial decomposition of predation risk using resource selection functions: an example in a wolf–elk predator–prey system
Predation is a fundamental ecological and evolutionary process that varies in space, and the
avoidance of predation risk is of central importance in foraging theory. While there has been …
avoidance of predation risk is of central importance in foraging theory. While there has been …
Can habitat selection predict abundance?
Habitats have substantial influence on the distribution and abundance of animals. Animals'
selective movement yields their habitat use. Animals generally are more abundant in …
selective movement yields their habitat use. Animals generally are more abundant in …
Human activity differentially redistributes large mammals in the Canadian Rockies National Parks
National parks are important for conservation of species such as wolves (Canis lupus) and
elk (Cervus canadensis). However, topography, vegetation conditions, and anthropogenic …
elk (Cervus canadensis). However, topography, vegetation conditions, and anthropogenic …
A habitat-based framework for grizzly bear conservation in Alberta
Grizzly bear (Ursus arctos L.) populations in Alberta are threatened by habitat loss and high
rates of human-caused mortality. Spatial depictions of fitness would greatly improve …
rates of human-caused mortality. Spatial depictions of fitness would greatly improve …
Population fragmentation and inter‐ecosystem movements of grizzly bears in western Canada and the northern United States: Fragmentation de la Population et …
Population fragmentation compromises population viability, reduces a species ability to
respond to climate change, and ultimately may reduce biodiversity. We studied the current …
respond to climate change, and ultimately may reduce biodiversity. We studied the current …
Dynamic wildlife habitat models: seasonal foods and mortality risk predict occupancy-abundance and habitat selection in grizzly bears
Most current wildlife habitat models, such as resource selection functions, typically assume a
static environment, extrapolate poorly in space and time, and often lack linkages to …
static environment, extrapolate poorly in space and time, and often lack linkages to …
Habitat selection models for European wildcat conservation
Populations of the European wildcat (Felis silvestris) are only slowly recovering in Central
Europe after a severe decline in the last centuries and require specific conservation plans in …
Europe after a severe decline in the last centuries and require specific conservation plans in …
Vehicle traffic shapes grizzly bear behaviour on a multiple‐use landscape
Roads cause functional habitat loss, alter movement patterns and can become ecological
traps for wildlife. Many of the negative effects of roads are likely to be a function of the …
traps for wildlife. Many of the negative effects of roads are likely to be a function of the …