Doing interview research: The essential how to guide

U Flick - 2021 -
Doing interview research has become one of the most prominent ways of doing qualitative
research and of doing social research in general. We find a broad research practice in …

Say my name? Anonymity or not in elite interviewing

CH Ellersgaard, K Ditlevsen… - International Journal of …, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
This article discusses anonymizing elite interviewees. Based on our experiences with
interviewing professional elites and ultra-elites in different research projects, we describe …

Digital disinformation and the imaginative dimension of communication

JVA Cabañes - Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 2020 -
To nuance current understandings of the proliferation of digital disinformation, this article
seeks to develop an approach that emphasizes the imaginative dimension of this …

Science journalism in pandemic times: perspectives on the science-media relationship from COVID-19 researchers in Southern Europe

E Marín-González, I Navalhas, AM Dijkstra… - Frontiers in …, 2023 -
Several studies have investigated the relationship between scientists and journalists.
However, Southern Europe has been less studied when it comes to understanding the …

” Paskaduunia siinä sivussa.” Työn merkitys nuorille miehille

T Koivunen - Nuorisotutkimus, 2023 -
Artikkelissa tarkastellaan tapoja, joilla nuoret miehet suhtautuvat suomalaiseen työelämään
ja palkkatyöhön sekä omaan tilanteeseensa suhteessa työhön. Palkkatyö on ollut keskeinen …

The Morung Express: Naganess, indigeneity and religion

A Moitra - 2024 -
This dissertation focuses on The Morung Express, a newspaper in Nagaland State, India,
established by human rights activists in 2005. With a strong interest in indigenous issues …

[PDF][PDF] Local journalism and the ethics of inquiry.

K Hess, K McCallum, L Waller, A Myers - Ethical Space: The …, 2021 -
Much of the public and scholarly attention on the role of journalism in public discussion of
historical clergy sexual abuse has focused on investigative reporters and the national impact …


E Mäkinen -
Tutkielmani käsittelee eläytymismenetelmällä kerätyn koulutussiirtymistä kertovan tarina-
aineiston sukupuolittuneita merkityksiä. Tutkielman tavoitteena on selvittää, millaisilla …