A Cenozoic record of deep oceanic Zn isotopic composition in ferromanganese crusts
Water plays a critical role in erosion and sediment transport and this relationship is most
evident in the hyperarid Atacama Desert of Northern Chile, a region characterized by …
evident in the hyperarid Atacama Desert of Northern Chile, a region characterized by …
Meteoritic minerals and their origins
About 435 mineral species have been identified in meteorites including native elements,
metals and metallic alloys, carbides, nitrides and oxynitrides, phosphides, silicides, sulfides …
metals and metallic alloys, carbides, nitrides and oxynitrides, phosphides, silicides, sulfides …
Chondrules reveal large-scale outward transport of inner Solar System materials in the protoplanetary disk
Dynamic models of the protoplanetary disk indicate there should be large-scale material
transport in and out of the inner Solar System, but direct evidence for such transport is …
transport in and out of the inner Solar System, but direct evidence for such transport is …
[PDF][PDF] Nature and origins of meteoritic breccias
A Bischoff, ERD Scott, K Metzler… - Meteorites and the early …, 2006 - ukrspace.com.ua
Meteorite breccias provide information about impact processes on planetary bodies, their
collisional evolution and structure. Fragmental and regolith breccias are abundant in both …
collisional evolution and structure. Fragmental and regolith breccias are abundant in both …
Time and duration of chondrule formation: Constraints from 26Al-26Mg ages of individual chondrules
Chondrules from unequilibrated ordinary and carbonaceous chondrites belong to the oldest
and most primitive materials from the early solar system and record chemical and isotopic …
and most primitive materials from the early solar system and record chemical and isotopic …
Controlled multiple quantum coherences of nuclear spins in a nanometre-scale device
G Yusa, K Muraki, K Takashina, K Hashimoto… - Nature, 2005 - nature.com
The analytical technique of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR,) is based on coherent
quantum mechanical superposition of nuclear spin states. Recently, NMR has received …
quantum mechanical superposition of nuclear spin states. Recently, NMR has received …
Amoeboid olivine aggregates and related objects in carbonaceous chondrites: records of nebular and asteroid processes
Amoeboid olivine aggregates (AOAs) are the most common type of refractory inclusions in
CM, CR, CH, CV, CO, and ungrouped carbonaceous chondrites Acfer 094 and Adelaide; …
CM, CR, CH, CV, CO, and ungrouped carbonaceous chondrites Acfer 094 and Adelaide; …
Abundance, major element composition and size of components and matrix in CV, CO and Acfer 094 chondrites
The relative abundances and chemical compositions of the macroscopic components or
“inclusions”(chondrules and refractory inclusions) and fine-grained mineral matrix in …
“inclusions”(chondrules and refractory inclusions) and fine-grained mineral matrix in …
Redox conditions in the solar nebula: Observational, experimental, and theoretical constraints
L Grossman, JR Beckett, AV Fedkin… - … in Mineralogy and …, 2008 - pubs.geoscienceworld.org
Crystallization experiments on liquids with compositions similar to those of compact Type A,
Type B1 and Type B2 refractory inclusions were conducted under controlled temperature …
Type B1 and Type B2 refractory inclusions were conducted under controlled temperature …
[HTML][HTML] Zirconium isotope evidence for the heterogeneous distribution of s-process materials in the solar system
W Akram, M Schönbächler, S Bisterzo… - … et Cosmochimica Acta, 2015 - Elsevier
A growing number of elements show well-resolved nucleosynthetic isotope anomalies in
bulk-rock samples of solar system materials. In order to establish the occurrence and extent …
bulk-rock samples of solar system materials. In order to establish the occurrence and extent …