Social impacts of algorithmic decision-making: A research agenda for the social sciences
Academic and public debates are increasingly concerned with the question whether and
how algorithmic decision-making (ADM) may reinforce social inequality. Most previous …
how algorithmic decision-making (ADM) may reinforce social inequality. Most previous …
Lazy data practices harm fairness research
Data practices shape research and practice on fairness in machine learning (fair ML).
Critical data studies offer important reflections and critiques for the responsible …
Critical data studies offer important reflections and critiques for the responsible …
From fair predictions to just decisions? Conceptualizing algorithmic fairness and distributive justice in the context of data-driven decision-making
Prediction algorithms are regularly used to support and automate high-stakes policy
decisions about the allocation of scarce public resources. However, data-driven decision …
decisions about the allocation of scarce public resources. However, data-driven decision …
Digital trace data: Modes of data collection, applications, and errors at a glance
" The Handbook of Computational Social Science is a comprehensive reference source for
scholars across multiple disciplines. It outlines key debates in the field, showcasing novel …
scholars across multiple disciplines. It outlines key debates in the field, showcasing novel …
One model many scores: using multiverse analysis to prevent fairness hacking and evaluate the influence of model design decisions
A vast number of systems across the world use algorithmic decision making (ADM) to
(partially) automate decisions that have previously been made by humans. The downstream …
(partially) automate decisions that have previously been made by humans. The downstream …
Promoting fairness through hyperparameter optimization
Considerable research effort has been guided towards algorithmic fairness but real-world
adoption of bias reduction techniques is still scarce. Existing methods are either metric-or …
adoption of bias reduction techniques is still scarce. Existing methods are either metric-or …
An empirical comparison of bias reduction methods on real-world problems in high-stakes policy settings
Applications of machine learning (ML) to high-stakes policy settings-such as education,
criminal justice, healthcare, and social service delivery-have grown rapidly in recent years …
criminal justice, healthcare, and social service delivery-have grown rapidly in recent years …
“The human must remain the central focus”: Subjective fairness perceptions in automated decision-making
The increasing use of algorithms in allocating resources and services in both private
industry and public administration has sparked discussions about their consequences for …
industry and public administration has sparked discussions about their consequences for …
Connecting algorithmic fairness to quality dimensions in machine learning in official statistics and survey production
Abstract National Statistical Organizations (NSOs) increasingly draw on Machine Learning
(ML) to improve the timeliness and cost-effectiveness of their products. When introducing ML …
(ML) to improve the timeliness and cost-effectiveness of their products. When introducing ML …
Fairness-Aware data valuation for supervised learning
Data valuation is a ML field that studies the value of training instances towards a given
predictive task. Although data bias is one of the main sources of downstream model …
predictive task. Although data bias is one of the main sources of downstream model …