Updates on mouse models of Alzheimer's disease
Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the most common neurodegenerative disease in the United
States (US). Animal models, specifically mouse models have been developed to better …
States (US). Animal models, specifically mouse models have been developed to better …
[HTML][HTML] Adult hippocampal neurogenesis in aging and Alzheimer's disease
Cognitive deficits associated with Alzheimer's disease (AD) severely impact daily life for the
millions of affected individuals. Progressive memory impairment in AD patients is associated …
millions of affected individuals. Progressive memory impairment in AD patients is associated …
Type I interferon response drives neuroinflammation and synapse loss in Alzheimer disease
Type I interferon (IFN) is a key cytokine that curbs viral infection and cell malignancy.
Previously, we demonstrated a potent IFN immunogenicity of nucleic acid–containing (NA …
Previously, we demonstrated a potent IFN immunogenicity of nucleic acid–containing (NA …
[HTML][HTML] Meta-analysis of the Alzheimer's disease human brain transcriptome and functional dissection in mouse models
We present a consensus atlas of the human brain transcriptome in Alzheimer's disease
(AD), based on meta-analysis of differential gene expression in 2,114 postmortem samples …
(AD), based on meta-analysis of differential gene expression in 2,114 postmortem samples …
Moving beyond amyloid and tau to capture the biological heterogeneity of Alzheimer's disease
Alzheimer's disease (AD) manifests along a spectrum of cognitive deficits and levels of
neuropathology. Genetic studies support a heterogeneous disease mechanism, with around …
neuropathology. Genetic studies support a heterogeneous disease mechanism, with around …
Conservation and divergence of vulnerability and responses to stressors between human and mouse astrocytes
Astrocytes play important roles in neurological disorders such as stroke, injury, and
neurodegeneration. Most knowledge on astrocyte biology is based on studies of mouse …
neurodegeneration. Most knowledge on astrocyte biology is based on studies of mouse …
A platform for experimental precision medicine: The extended BXD mouse family
The challenge of precision medicine is to model complex interactions among DNA variants,
phenotypes, development, environments, and treatments. We address this challenge by …
phenotypes, development, environments, and treatments. We address this challenge by …
[HTML][HTML] Gene-by-environment interactions in Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease
Diseases such as Alzheimer's disease (AD) and Parkinson's disease (PD) arise from
complex interactions of genetic and environmental factors, with genetic variants regulating …
complex interactions of genetic and environmental factors, with genetic variants regulating …
[HTML][HTML] Genetic architecture of Alzheimer's disease
Advances in genetic and genomic technologies over the last thirty years have greatly
enhanced our knowledge concerning the genetic architecture of Alzheimer's disease (AD) …
enhanced our knowledge concerning the genetic architecture of Alzheimer's disease (AD) …
Lost in translation: Inconvenient truths on the utility of mouse models in Alzheimer's disease research
The recent, controversial approval of antibody-based treatments for Alzheimer's disease
(AD) is fueling a heated debate on the molecular determinants of this condition. The …
(AD) is fueling a heated debate on the molecular determinants of this condition. The …