A review of hydraulic fracturing simulation
Along with horizontal drilling techniques, multi-stage hydraulic fracturing has improved shale
gas production significantly in past decades. In order to understand the mechanism of …
gas production significantly in past decades. In order to understand the mechanism of …
A review on phase field models for fracture and fatigue
Phase field fracture models have demonstrated great capacities in simulating crack
nucleation, propagation, branching, and joining in brittle and ductile materials subjected to …
nucleation, propagation, branching, and joining in brittle and ductile materials subjected to …
Hydraulic fracturing and enhanced recovery in shale reservoirs: theoretical analysis to engineering applications
Shale reservoirs are extensively exploited using hydraulic fracturing, which forms multiple
cracks that connect with the existing natural fractures to create a continuous path for the gas …
cracks that connect with the existing natural fractures to create a continuous path for the gas …
Desiccation cracking of soils: A review of investigation approaches, underlying mechanisms, and influencing factors
The purpose of this paper is to review the development and the state of the art in desiccation
cracking characterization methods and review the desiccation cracking behaviors of soils …
cracking characterization methods and review the desiccation cracking behaviors of soils …
Phase field modeling and computer implementation: A review
This paper presents an overview of the theories and computer implementation aspects of
phase field models (PFM) of fracture. The advantage of PFM over discontinuous approaches …
phase field models (PFM) of fracture. The advantage of PFM over discontinuous approaches …
Phase-field modeling of fracture
Fracture is one of the most commonly encountered failure modes of engineering materials
and structures. Prevention of cracking-induced failure is, therefore, a major concern in …
and structures. Prevention of cracking-induced failure is, therefore, a major concern in …
A review on phase-field modeling of hydraulic fracturing
Motivated by the successful implementation of the phase-field method (PFM) to simulate
complicated fracture patterns at moderate computational costs in solid materials, many …
complicated fracture patterns at moderate computational costs in solid materials, many …
Investigating hydraulic fracturing complexity in naturally fractured rock masses using fully coupled multiscale numerical modeling
Naturally fractured rock mass is highly inhomogeneous and contains geological
discontinuities at various length scales. Hydraulic fracture stimulation in such a medium …
discontinuities at various length scales. Hydraulic fracture stimulation in such a medium …
Numerical methods for hydraulic fracture propagation: A review of recent trends
Abstract Development of numerical methods for hydraulic fracture simulation has
accelerated in the past two decades. Recent advances in hydraulic fracture modeling and …
accelerated in the past two decades. Recent advances in hydraulic fracture modeling and …
Phase-field modeling of fluid-driven dynamic cracking in porous media
A phase field model for fluid-driven dynamic crack propagation in poroelastic media is
proposed. Therefore, classical Biot poroelasticity theory is applied in the porous medium …
proposed. Therefore, classical Biot poroelasticity theory is applied in the porous medium …