Review of piezoelectric actuator applications in damaged structures: Challenges and opportunities
Piezoelectric material transducers can work as an actuator or sensor. Generally, the actuator
will be used to repair the structure, and the sensor will be used to find the health condition. In …
will be used to repair the structure, and the sensor will be used to find the health condition. In …
On the phase-field modeling of thermo-electromechanical brittle fracture in piezoceramics using an adaptive isogeometric approach
An adaptive phase-field model based on isogeometric analysis is presented to investigate
the fracture behaviors of transversely isotropic homogeneous piezoceramics under the …
the fracture behaviors of transversely isotropic homogeneous piezoceramics under the …
Estimation of multiple cracks interaction and its effect on stress intensity factors under mixed load by artificial neural networks
A Parsania, E Kakavand, SA Hosseini… - Theoretical and Applied …, 2024 - Elsevier
One of the goals of fracture mechanics in the analysis of problems involving cracks is to
investigate crack growth and propagation. Each crack grows and propagates in the …
investigate crack growth and propagation. Each crack grows and propagates in the …
Frequency response analysis of edge-cracked magneto-electro-elastic functionally graded plates using extended finite element method
This paper studies the frequency response of edge-cracked magneto-electro elastic
functionally graded (ECMEE-FG) plates using the extended finite element method (XFEM) …
functionally graded (ECMEE-FG) plates using the extended finite element method (XFEM) …
Finite element analysis of the three-dimensional crack and defects in piezoelectric materials under the electro-mechanical coupling field
S Zhu, H Liu - Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and …, 2021 - journals.sagepub.com
This paper presents three-dimensional planar crack and non-planar defects analysis of
piezoelectric materials by the finite element method (FEM). Based on practical engineering …
piezoelectric materials by the finite element method (FEM). Based on practical engineering …
Fracture analysis of spatially graded piezoelectric-flexoelectric materials using XIGA
Abstract Dielectric Functionally Graded Materials (FGMs) exhibit superior flexoelectric
properties. Gradual changes in material properties lead to large strain gradients and …
properties. Gradual changes in material properties lead to large strain gradients and …
Elasto-plastic fracture modeling for crack interaction with XFEM
Multiple cracks/voids have been extensively seen in structural components. The stress field
gets affected due to the crack interaction, so the effect of multiple cracks should be …
gets affected due to the crack interaction, so the effect of multiple cracks should be …
Utilizing ultrasonic waves in the investigation of contact stresses, areas, and embedment of spheres in manufactured materials replicating proppants and brittle rocks
In the oil and gas industry, hydraulic fracturing (HF) is a common application to create
additional permeability in unconventional reservoirs. Using proppant in HF requires …
additional permeability in unconventional reservoirs. Using proppant in HF requires …
Extended isogeometric analysis of cracked piezoelectric materials in the presence of flexoelectricity
To accurately analyze the fracture behavior of piezoceramics at small length scales,
flexoelectricity must be considered along with piezoelectricity. Due to its dependence on …
flexoelectricity must be considered along with piezoelectricity. Due to its dependence on …
Fracture analysis of interfacial crack in piezoelectric bimaterial by XIGA approach using Bézier extraction of NURBS
RK Mishra - Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
This work presents analyses of interfacial crack in piezoelectrics bimaterial plate under
electromechanical loading environment by extended isogeometric analysis (XIGA) approach …
electromechanical loading environment by extended isogeometric analysis (XIGA) approach …