Prevalence of burnout among GPs: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Background Burnout is a work-related syndrome documented to have negative
consequences for GPs and their patients. Aim To review the existing literature concerning …
consequences for GPs and their patients. Aim To review the existing literature concerning …
Conflict at work and individual well‐being
Conflict theory and research largely ignored the possible relationships between conflict at
work, and individual health, well‐being, and job satisfaction. We present a model that …
work, and individual health, well‐being, and job satisfaction. We present a model that …
[KNIHA][B] The theoretical framework in phenomenological research: Development and application
HG Larsen, P Adu - 2021 -
The Theoretical Framework in Phenomenological Research: Development and Application
is an introduction to phenomenology in which the authors overview its origin, main ideas …
is an introduction to phenomenology in which the authors overview its origin, main ideas …
[PDF][PDF] Эмоции и чувства
ЕП Ильин - СПб.: Питер, 2001 -
Каждый взрослый человек знает, что такое эмоции, так как неоднократно их испы¬
тывал с самого раннего детства. Однако когда просят описать какую-нибудь эмоцию …
тывал с самого раннего детства. Однако когда просят описать какую-нибудь эмоцию …
[KNIHA][B] The burnout companion to study and practice: A critical analysis
W Schaufeli, D Enzmann - 2020 -
Burnout is a common metaphor for a state of extreme psychophysical exhaustion, usually
work-related. This book provides an overview of the burnout syndrome from its earliest …
work-related. This book provides an overview of the burnout syndrome from its earliest …
A longitudinal study of teacher burnout and perceived self-efficacy in classroom management
A Brouwers, W Tomic - Teaching and Teacher education, 2000 - Elsevier
This study examined the direction and time-frame of relationships between perceived self-
efficacy in classroom management and the three dimensions of burnout among 243 …
efficacy in classroom management and the three dimensions of burnout among 243 …
Работа и личность
Е Ильин - 2011 -
Новая книга мастера психологии профессора ЕП Ильина охватывает широкий круг
актуальных вопросов, среди которых отношение современных людей к труду …
актуальных вопросов, среди которых отношение современных людей к труду …
[KNIHA][B] Психофизиология состояний человека
ЕП Ильин - 2005 -
Понятие «состояние» в настоящее время является общеметодологической категорией
Изучение состояний стимулируется потребностями практики в области спорта …
Изучение состояний стимулируется потребностями практики в области спорта …
A multigroup analysis of the job demands-resources model in four home care organizations.
The job demands–resources (JD-R) model was tested in a study among 3,092 employees
working in 1 of 4 different home care organizations. The central assumption in the model is …
working in 1 of 4 different home care organizations. The central assumption in the model is …
On the clinical validity of the Maslach Burnout Inventory and the Burnout Measure
Current knowledge about burnout suffers from a healthy worker bias since only working-and
thus relatively healthy-employees have been investigated. The main objective of this study is …
thus relatively healthy-employees have been investigated. The main objective of this study is …