Molecular epidemiology of enteroviruses and predominance of echovirus 30 in an Iranian population with aseptic meningitis

F Farshadpour, R Taherkhani - Journal of NeuroVirology, 2021 - Springer
Human enteroviruses are the most prevalent causes of aseptic meningitis worldwide.
However, despite such predominancy, defining the enteroviral etiology of aseptic meningitis …

Molecular identification and clinical characteristics of mumps virus and human herpesviruses associated with aseptic meningitis in South of Iran

R Taherkhani, F Farshadpour - Virusdisease, 2021 - Springer
Viral infections are the major etiological agent of aseptic meningitis; though, limited data
exist on the prevalence and molecular epidemiology of viral pathogens responsible for the …

Clinical characteristics of cases of vaccine-associated paralytic polio documented in the Russian Federation in 2006-2016

AK Shakaryan, VK Tatochenko, OE Ivanova… - Инфекционные …, 2019 -
In this study, we analyzed 35 cases of vaccine-associated paralytic polio (VAPP) occurred in
the Russian Federation in 2006 2016. Of them, 15 cases were registered in oral polio …

[CARTE][B] Vaccine responses after chemotherapy or stem cell transplantation in patients with hematological malignancies

S Einarsdottir - 2022 -
The prevention of infections in patients with hematological malignancies is important given
the inherent immune deficiency associated with these diseases and the immunosuppressive …

[HTML][HTML] Паралитическая форма полиовирусной инфекции у реципиента оральной полиовакцины

АК Шакарян, НН Зверева, ДФ Салимзянов… - … . Журнал им. ГН …, 2019 -
Программа глобальной ликвидации полиомиелита приближается к завершению, и
распространенность диких штаммов полиовирусов уменьшается. В такой ситуации на …

[PDF][PDF] Untranslated region-5'and viral protein 1-based genetic stability analysis of bulk polio in Indonesia 2010-2019

A Yasmon, N Normasari, F Fithriyah… - Journal of the Medical …, 2021 -
Cases of vaccine-associated paralytic poliomyelitis (VAPP) continued increasingly from
2010-2019 in the world. Oral polio vaccine (OPV) is the live attenuated virus-based vaccine …

[PDF][PDF] Infectious Disease Prevention

İ Jones, LLC Bartlett Learning -
Prevention of infectious diseases can prove to be a complicated endeavor. Interventions
such as handwashing are relatively simple, low cost, and easily implemented with …

[CITARE][C] Literature Review: Tantangan Eradikasi Polio

N Normasari, A Yasmon - Jurnal Biotek Medisiana Indonesia, 2021