A general, resource‐based explanation for density dependence in populations of large herbivores

NT Hobbs - Ecological monographs, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
The discipline of ecology seeks to understand how ecosystems, communities, and
populations are regulated. A ubiquitous mechanism of population regulation of consumers is …

Adverse effects of Diptera flies on northern ungulates: Rangifer, Alces, and Bison

BM Benedict, PS Barboza - Mammal Review, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
Flies (Diptera) damage ungulates far beyond the injury of their bite wounds: they are vectors
of diseases and cause ungulates to lose foraging opportunities due to avoidance behaviour …

Contrasting effects of wild and domestic ungulates on fine-scale responses of vegetation to climate and herbivory

M Velamazán, JA Sánchez-Zapata, R Moral-Herrero… - Landscape …, 2023 - Springer
Context Wild ungulates and livestock modify a large range of vegetation patterns and
processes at the landscape scale. However, we still lack studies that address how changes …

Environment and physiology shape Arctic ungulate population dynamics

JP Desforges, GM Marques, LT Beumer… - Global Change …, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Species conservation in a rapidly changing world requires an improved understanding of
how individuals and populations respond to changes in their environment across temporal …

Pronounced fidelity and selection for average conditions of calving area suggestive of spatial memory in a highly migratory ungulate

MD Cameron, K Joly, GA Breed, CPH Mulder… - Frontiers in Ecology …, 2020 - frontiersin.org
A distinguishing characteristic of many migratory animals is their annual return to distinct
calving (birthing) areas in the spring, yet the navigational mechanisms employed during …

Snow and vegetation seasonality influence seasonal trends of leaf nitrogen and biomass in Arctic tundra

KC Kelsey, S Højlund Pedersen, AJ Leffler… - …, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
Climate change, including both increasing temperatures and changing snow regimes, is
progressing rapidly in the Arctic, leading to changes in plant phenology and in the seasonal …

Caribou use of habitat near energy development in Arctic Alaska

HE Johnson, TS Golden, LG Adams… - The Journal of …, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
Increasing demands for energy have generated interest in expanding oil and gas production
on the North Slope of Alaska, USA, raising questions about the resilience of barren‐ground …

Dynamic selection for forage quality and quantity in response to phenology and insects in an Arctic ungulate

HE Johnson, TS Golden, LG Adams… - Ecology and …, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Spatiotemporal variation in forage is a primary driver of ungulate behavior, yet little is known
about the nutritional components they select, and how selection varies across the growing …