Parasite effects on host's trophic and isotopic niches
Wild animals are usually infected with parasites that can alter their hosts' trophic niches in
food webs as can be seen from stable isotope analyses of infected versus uninfected …
food webs as can be seen from stable isotope analyses of infected versus uninfected …
Expanding network ecology in freshwater ecosystems
FM Windsor - Journal of Animal Ecology, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
Research in freshwater ecosystems has always had a strong focus on ecological
interactions. The vast majority of studies, however, have investigated trophic interactions …
interactions. The vast majority of studies, however, have investigated trophic interactions …
Trophic position, elemental ratios and nitrogen transfer in a planktonic host–parasite–consumer food chain including a fungal parasite
Parasitism is arguably the most commonly occurring consumer strategy. However, only a
few food web studies assess how well stable isotopes reflect the trophic position of parasitic …
few food web studies assess how well stable isotopes reflect the trophic position of parasitic …
A new technique to study nutrient flow in host-parasite systems by carbon stable isotope analysis of amino acids and glucose
Stable isotope analysis of individual compounds is emerging as a powerful tool to study
nutrient origin and conversion in host-parasite systems. We measured the carbon isotope …
nutrient origin and conversion in host-parasite systems. We measured the carbon isotope …
Eye fluke infection changes diet composition in juvenile European perch (Perca fluviatilis)
Intraspecific diet specialization, usually driven by resource availability, competition and
predation, is common in natural populations. However, the role of parasites on diet …
predation, is common in natural populations. However, the role of parasites on diet …
Just Hitching a Ride: Stable Isotopes Reveal Non‐Feeding Behaviour of Anisakis simplex Within Its Host Fish
Anisakis simplex larvae, commonly found in marine fish, cause anisakiasis in humans,
resulting in gastric to gastro‐allergic symptoms. Despite known health risks, the impact of …
resulting in gastric to gastro‐allergic symptoms. Despite known health risks, the impact of …
Unravelling the trophic interaction between a parasitic barnacle (Anelasma squalicola) and its host Southern lanternshark (Etmopterus granulosus) using stable …
The parasitic barnacle, Anelasma squalicola, is a rare and evolutionary fascinating
organism. Unlike most other filter-feeding barnacles, A. squalicola has evolved the capability …
organism. Unlike most other filter-feeding barnacles, A. squalicola has evolved the capability …
Stable nitrogen isotope analysis of amino acids as a new tool to clarify complex parasite–host interactions within food webs
Traditional bulk isotopic analysis is a pivotal tool for map** consumer–resource
interactions in food webs but has largely failed to adequately describe parasite–host …
interactions in food webs but has largely failed to adequately describe parasite–host …
[HTML][HTML] Stable isotope analysis spills the beans about spatial variance in trophic structure in a fish host–parasite system from the Vaal River System, South Africa
Stable isotope analysis offers a unique tool for comparing trophic interactions and food web
architecture in ecosystems based on analysis of stable isotope ratios of carbon (13 C/12 C) …
architecture in ecosystems based on analysis of stable isotope ratios of carbon (13 C/12 C) …
Stable isotopes unravel the feeding mode–trophic position relationship in trematode parasites
Stable isotopes have been sporadically used over the last two decades to characterise host–
parasite trophic relationships. The main reason for this scarcity is the lack of an obvious …
parasite trophic relationships. The main reason for this scarcity is the lack of an obvious …