Buckling and vibration characteristics of a carbon nanotube-reinforced spinning cantilever cylindrical 3D shell conveying viscous fluid flow and carrying spring-mass …
In this article, buckling and vibrational behaviors of a carbon nanotube reinforced spinning
cylindrical thick shell carrying spring–mass systems and conveying viscous fluid flow are …
cylindrical thick shell carrying spring–mass systems and conveying viscous fluid flow are …
Influence of system parameters on buckling and frequency analysis of a spinning cantilever cylindrical 3D shell coupled with piezoelectric actuator
A Shokrgozar, H Safarpour… - Proceedings of the …, 2020 - journals.sagepub.com
In this research, buckling and vibrational characteristics of a spinning cylindrical moderately
thick shell covered with piezoelectric actuator carrying spring-mass systems are performed …
thick shell covered with piezoelectric actuator carrying spring-mass systems are performed …
Influence of spring-mass systems on frequency behavior and critical voltage of a high-speed rotating cantilever cylindrical three-dimensional shell coupled with …
H Safarpour, J Pourghader… - Journal of Vibration and …, 2019 - journals.sagepub.com
In this article, vibrational behavior and critical voltage of a spinning cylindrical thick shell
covered with piezoelectric actuator (PIAC) carrying spring-mass systems are investigated. It …
covered with piezoelectric actuator (PIAC) carrying spring-mass systems are investigated. It …
Free vibration analysis of size-dependent shear deformable functionally graded cylindrical shell on the basis of modified couple stress theory
In this paper, size-dependent equations of motion for functionally graded cylindrical shell
were developed using shear deformation model and rotation inertia. Material properties of …
were developed using shear deformation model and rotation inertia. Material properties of …
Size-dependent electromechanical bending, buckling, and free vibration analysis of functionally graded piezoelectric nanobeams
Y Tadi Beni - Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and …, 2016 - journals.sagepub.com
In this article, by applying the Euler–Bernoulli model and using the consistent size-
dependent theory, the nonlinear formulation of functionally graded piezoelectric material …
dependent theory, the nonlinear formulation of functionally graded piezoelectric material …
[HTML][HTML] Size dependent free vibration analysis of functionally graded piezoelectric micro/nano shell based on modified couple stress theory with considering thickness …
Higher-order shear and normal deformation theory is used in this paper to account thickness
stretching effect for free vibration analysis of the cylindrical micro/nano shell subjected to an …
stretching effect for free vibration analysis of the cylindrical micro/nano shell subjected to an …
Wave propagation in viscoelastic thin cylindrical nanoshell resting on a visco-Pasternak foundation based on nonlocal strain gradient theory
Wave propagation in viscoelastic single walled carbon nanotubes is investigated by
accounting for the simultaneous effects of the nonlocal constant and the material length …
accounting for the simultaneous effects of the nonlocal constant and the material length …
Free vibration analysis of functionally graded piezoelectric cylindrical nanoshell based on consistent couple stress theory
In this study, the governing equations of electromechanical vibration of cylindrical nanoshell
made of functionally graded piezoelectric material (FGPM) are developed using the …
made of functionally graded piezoelectric material (FGPM) are developed using the …
Nonlinear mechanics of nanotubes conveying fluid
A nonlocal strain gradient elasticity approach is proposed for the mechanical behaviour of
fluid-conveying nanotubes; a nonlinear analysis, incorporating stretching, is conducted for a …
fluid-conveying nanotubes; a nonlinear analysis, incorporating stretching, is conducted for a …
The modified couple stress functionally graded cylindrical thin shell formulation
In this article, the functionally graded (FG) cylindrical thin shell formulation is developed by
using modified couple stress theory. The equations of motion and classical and nonclassical …
using modified couple stress theory. The equations of motion and classical and nonclassical …