An overview of research on adaptive dynamic programming
Adaptive dynamic programming (ADP) is a novel approximate optimal control scheme,
which has recently become a hot topic in the field of optimal control. As a standard approach …
which has recently become a hot topic in the field of optimal control. As a standard approach …
Robust adaptive dynamic programming for linear and nonlinear systems: An overview
The field of adaptive dynamic programming with diverse applications in control engineering
has undergone rapid progress over the past few years. A new theory called “Robust …
has undergone rapid progress over the past few years. A new theory called “Robust …
Simplified optimized backstep** control for a class of nonlinear strict-feedback systems with unknown dynamic functions
In this article, a control scheme based on optimized backstep** (OB) technique is
developed for a class of nonlinear strict-feedback systems with unknown dynamic functions …
developed for a class of nonlinear strict-feedback systems with unknown dynamic functions …
Observer-based adaptive fuzzy decentralized optimal control design for strict-feedback nonlinear large-scale systems
S Tong, K Sun, S Sui - IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 2017 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
In this paper, the problem of adaptive fuzzy decentralized optimal control is investigated for a
class of nonlinear large-scale systems in strict-feedback form. The considered nonlinear …
class of nonlinear large-scale systems in strict-feedback form. The considered nonlinear …
[KNJIGA][B] Adaptive dynamic programming with applications in optimal control
With the rapid development in information science and technology, many businesses and
industries have undergone great changes, such as chemical industry, electric power …
industries have undergone great changes, such as chemical industry, electric power …
Adaptive critic nonlinear robust control: A survey
Adaptive dynamic programming (ADP) and reinforcement learning are quite relevant to each
other when performing intelligent optimization. They are both regarded as promising …
other when performing intelligent optimization. They are both regarded as promising …
Observer-based adaptive fuzzy fault-tolerant optimal control for SISO nonlinear systems
Y Li, K Sun, S Tong - IEEE transactions on cybernetics, 2018 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
This paper investigates adaptive fuzzy output feedback fault-tolerant optimal control problem
for a class of single-input and single-output nonlinear systems in strict feedback form. The …
for a class of single-input and single-output nonlinear systems in strict feedback form. The …
Tracking Control of Completely Unknown Continuous-Time Systems via Off-Policy Reinforcement Learning
This paper deals with the design of an H∞ tracking controller for nonlinear continuous-time
systems with completely unknown dynamics. A general bounded L 2-gain tracking problem …
systems with completely unknown dynamics. A general bounded L 2-gain tracking problem …
Value iteration adaptive dynamic programming for optimal control of discrete-time nonlinear systems
In this paper, a value iteration adaptive dynamic programming (ADP) algorithm is developed
to solve infinite horizon undiscounted optimal control problems for discrete-time nonlinear …
to solve infinite horizon undiscounted optimal control problems for discrete-time nonlinear …
Policy iteration adaptive dynamic programming algorithm for discrete-time nonlinear systems
This paper is concerned with a new discrete-time policy iteration adaptive dynamic
programming (ADP) method for solving the infinite horizon optimal control problem of …
programming (ADP) method for solving the infinite horizon optimal control problem of …