Beneficial features of plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria for improving plant growth and health in challenging conditions: A methodical review
New eco-friendly approaches are required to improve plant biomass production. Beneficial
plant growth-promoting (PGP) bacteria may be exploited as excellent and efficient …
plant growth-promoting (PGP) bacteria may be exploited as excellent and efficient …
Plant strategies to mine iron from alkaline substrates
In concert with oxygen, soil alkalinity strongly restricts the availability of iron, an essential
nutrient with a multitude of functions in living organisms. In addition to its role in …
nutrient with a multitude of functions in living organisms. In addition to its role in …
Biocontrol potential and antifungal mechanism of a novel Streptomyces sichuanensis against Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense tropical race 4 in vitro and in vivo
Most commercial banana cultivars are highly susceptible to Fusarium wilt caused by
soilborne fungus Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense (Foc), especially tropical race 4 (TR4) …
soilborne fungus Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense (Foc), especially tropical race 4 (TR4) …
Wheat yellow mosaic enhances bacterial deterministic processes in a plant-soil system
H Zhang, C Wu, F Wang, H Wang, G Chen… - Science of the Total …, 2022 - Elsevier
Understanding the mechanisms that govern microbial community assembly across soil-plant
continuum is crucial for predicting the response of ecosystems to environmental changes …
continuum is crucial for predicting the response of ecosystems to environmental changes …
Integrated microbiome and metabolomic analysis reveal responses of rhizosphere bacterial communities and root exudate composition to drought and genotype in …
Background As climate change events become more frequent, drought is an increasing
threat to agricultural production and food security. Crop rhizosphere microbiome and root …
threat to agricultural production and food security. Crop rhizosphere microbiome and root …
Reductive soil disinfestation and Fe amendment improve soil microbial composition and Fritillaria production
The continuous obstacles of crop** cause severe economic loss, which seriously threaten
agricultural sustainable development. In addition, managing excess waste, such as potato …
agricultural sustainable development. In addition, managing excess waste, such as potato …
[ספר][B] Bioinoculants: Biological option for mitigating global climate change
This book was conceptualized to address the impact of climate change on biota and the
environment, which are vital to feeding the world's population, and provide mitigation …
environment, which are vital to feeding the world's population, and provide mitigation …
The beneficial and pathogenic flora, environmental drivers, and community assembly mechanism of perennial poplar plantation
Z Li, Z Song, R Qiao, M Xu, X Wu, Y Chen, P Zhang… - Plant and Soil, 2024 - Springer
Abstract Background and Aims Soil microorganisms play a crucial role in promoting growth
and development, nutrient absorption, and disease resistance in poplar plantations. Long …
and development, nutrient absorption, and disease resistance in poplar plantations. Long …
Microbial inoculants in the climate change scenario: an overview
Agriculture accounts for approximately 11% of the total global GHG (greenhouse gases)
emissions, and with the increase in emissions globally, efforts need to focus on improving …
emissions, and with the increase in emissions globally, efforts need to focus on improving …
Impact of the endophytic and rhizospheric bacteria on crop development: prospects for advancing climate-smart agriculture
The exploration of knowledge for crop improvement has been a continuous practice to
address the food insecurity of the growing human population, and the necessity of the new …
address the food insecurity of the growing human population, and the necessity of the new …