High performance low profile antennas

JT Apostolos, J Feng, W Mouyos… - US Patent 9,806,425, 2017 - Google Patents
US9806425B2 - High performance low profile antennas - Google Patents US9806425B2 - High
performance low profile antennas - Google Patents High performance low profile antennas …

New Trends in Energy Harvesting from Earth Long‐Wave Infrared Emission

L Mescia, A Massaro - Advances in Materials Science and …, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
A review, even if not exhaustive, on the current technologies able to harvest energy from
Earth's thermal infrared emission is reported. In particular, we discuss the role of the …

[PDF][PDF] Application of carbon nanotubes (CNT) on the computer science and electrical engineering: A review

HK Moghaddam, MR Maraki, A Rajaei - International Journal of …, 2020 - academia.edu
In recent years, dimensions and sizes of components and parts in the computer and
electronic industries have been steadily reducing, as they are now considered very tiny tools …

Analysis and modeling of infrared solar rectennas

AMA Sabaawi, CC Tsimenidis… - IEEE Journal of Selected …, 2013 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
In this paper, an investigation is presented into infrared nanoantennas for solar energy
harvesting at 10-μm wavelength, where considerable solar energy is available. These …

[HTML][HTML] Maple-leaf shaped broadband optical nano-antenna with hybrid plasmonic feed for nano-photonic applications

I Ahmad, S Ullah, JU Din, S Ullah, W Ullah, U Habib… - Applied Sciences, 2021 - mdpi.com
This article presents a broadband optical nano-antenna, which covers a broader range of
optical communication wavelengths (666 to 6000 nm), used in nano-photonic applications …

Infra-red nano-antennas for solar energy collection

AMA Sabaawi, CC Tsimenidis… - … Antennas & Propagation …, 2011 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
In this paper, three nano-antennas have been designed: Dipole, Spiral, and Bow-tie infra-
red (IR) antennas for solar energy collection. A performance comparison between these …

Efficient full-spectrum utilization, reception and conversion of solar energy by broad-band nanospiral antenna

H Zhao, H Gao, T Cao, B Li - Optics Express, 2018 - opg.optica.org
In this work, the collection of solar energy by a broad-band nanospiral antenna is
investigated in order to solve the low efficiency of the solar rectenna based on conventional …

Bow-tie nano-array rectenna: Design and optimization

AMA Sabaawi, CC Tsimenidis… - 2012 6th European …, 2012 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
In this paper, a study is conducted into nanogap-based, bowtie nano-array for solar energy
collection, with the aim of optimizing its geometrical parameters utilizing Finite Element …

Adaptive Ku‐Band Solar Rectenna for Internet‐of‐Things‐(IoT)‐over‐Satellite Applications

C Baccouch, C Bahhar, H Sakli… - … and Mobile Computing, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
The emergence of new IoT applications in regional and remote areas has increased the
need for a global IoT connectivity beyond existing terrestrial network coverage. However, in …

Photon-assisted tunnel rectenna for solar energy harvesting

Y Zhou, B Zhang, Z Luo, Q Cheng - Optics Express, 2024 - opg.optica.org
In this work, we introduce a solar rectenna that is combined with a periodic subwavelength
spiral antenna and a metal-oxide-semiconductor photon-assisted tunneling diode. We …