Effect of inorganic anions on the performance of advanced oxidation processes for degradation of organic contaminants
J Wang, S Wang - Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021 - Elsevier
Inorganic anions, such as chloridion, carbonate, phosphate, sulfate and nitrate are
ubiquitous in water, they will react with hydroxyl radical and sulfate radical produced during …
ubiquitous in water, they will react with hydroxyl radical and sulfate radical produced during …
Environmental impact of desalination technologies: A review
K Elsaid, M Kamil, ET Sayed, MA Abdelkareem… - Science of the total …, 2020 - Elsevier
Due to the limited availability of freshwater supplies, desalination has become an
increasingly reliable process for water supply worldwide, with proved technical and …
increasingly reliable process for water supply worldwide, with proved technical and …
Insights into the fate and removal of antibiotics and antibiotic resistance genes using biological wastewater treatment technology
T Zhu, Z Su, W Lai, Y Zhang, Y Liu - Science of the total environment, 2021 - Elsevier
Antibiotics have become a critical concern worldwide due to the severe threats to human
health and eco-environment. This review summarizes the fate of antibiotics and antibiotics …
health and eco-environment. This review summarizes the fate of antibiotics and antibiotics …
Disinfection by-products in drinking water: occurrence, toxicity and abatement
AL Srivastav, N Patel, VK Chaudhary - Environmental Pollution, 2020 - Elsevier
Disinfection means the killing of pathogenic organisms (eg bacteria and its spores, viruses,
protozoa and their cysts, worms, and larvae) present in water to make it potable for other …
protozoa and their cysts, worms, and larvae) present in water to make it potable for other …
Occurrence, influencing factors, toxicity, regulations, and abatement approaches for disinfection by-products in chlorinated drinking water: A comprehensive review
Disinfection is considered as a vital step to ensure the supply of clean and safe drinking
water. Various approaches are adopted for this purpose; however, chlorination is highly …
water. Various approaches are adopted for this purpose; however, chlorination is highly …
A state-of-art-review on emerging contaminants: Environmental chemistry, health effect, and modern treatment methods
NA Khan, EA López-Maldonado, A Majumder, S Singh… - Chemosphere, 2023 - Elsevier
Pollution problems are increasingly becoming ea priority issue from both scientific and
technological points of view. The dispersion and frequency of pollutants in the environment …
technological points of view. The dispersion and frequency of pollutants in the environment …
Hydrodynamic tearing of bacteria on nanotips for sustainable water disinfection
Water disinfection is conventionally achieved by oxidation or irradiation, which is often
associated with a high carbon footprint and the formation of toxic byproducts. Here, we …
associated with a high carbon footprint and the formation of toxic byproducts. Here, we …
H2O2 production and in situ sterilization over a ZnO/g-C3N4 heterojunction photocatalyst
X Geng, L Wang, L Zhang, H Wang, Y Peng… - Chemical Engineering …, 2021 - Elsevier
In this work, a novel ZnO/gC 3 N 4 heterojunction catalyst was prepared by a thermal
polycondensation process and has been applied for H 2 O 2 production and in situ …
polycondensation process and has been applied for H 2 O 2 production and in situ …
A review on the degradation efficiency, DBP formation, and toxicity variation in the UV/chlorine treatment of micropollutants
Many micropollutants are refractory to conventional wastewater/water treatment processes,
causing attention to their potential adverse effects on aquatic environment and human …
causing attention to their potential adverse effects on aquatic environment and human …
Emerging disinfection byproducts: A review on their occurrence and control in drinking water treatment processes
AF Gilca, C Teodosiu, S Fiore, CP Musteret - Chemosphere, 2020 - Elsevier
The occurrence of disinfection byproducts (DBPs) is related both to drinking water treatment
(DWT) processes and to raw water's characteristics. Emerging pollutants typically occur in …
(DWT) processes and to raw water's characteristics. Emerging pollutants typically occur in …