Minimizing marker mass and handling time when attaching radio-transmitters and geolocators to small songbirds
Radio-transmitters and light-level geolocators are currently small enough for use on
songbirds weighing< 15 g. Various methods are used to attach these markers to larger …
songbirds weighing< 15 g. Various methods are used to attach these markers to larger …
Density‐dependent home‐range size revealed by spatially explicit capture–recapture
MG Efford, DK Dawson, YV Jhala, Q Qureshi - Ecography, 2016 - Wiley Online Library
The size of animal home ranges often varies inversely with population density among
populations of a species. This fact has implications for population monitoring using spatially …
populations of a species. This fact has implications for population monitoring using spatially …
Tornadic storm avoidance behavior in breeding songbirds
Migration is a common behavior used by animals of many taxa to occupy different habitats
during different periods [1]. Migrant birds are categorized as either facultative (ie, those that …
during different periods [1]. Migrant birds are categorized as either facultative (ie, those that …
Density estimation of sound-producing terrestrial animals using single automatic acoustic recorders and distance sampling
E Sebastián-González… - Avian …, 2018 - research-repository.st-andrews.ac …
Obtaining accurate information on the distribution, density, and abundance of animals is an
important first step toward their conservation. Methodological approaches using automatic …
important first step toward their conservation. Methodological approaches using automatic …
Geolocators on Golden-winged Warblers do not affect migratory ecology
The use of light-level geolocators is increasingly common for connecting breeding and
nonbreeding sites and identifying migration routes in birds. Until recently, the mass and size …
nonbreeding sites and identifying migration routes in birds. Until recently, the mass and size …
Retirement investment theory explains patterns in songbird nest-site choice
When opposing evolutionary selection pressures act on a behavioural trait, the result is often
stabilizing selection for an intermediate optimal phenotype, with deviations from the …
stabilizing selection for an intermediate optimal phenotype, with deviations from the …
Prothonotary warbler nestling growth and condition in response to variation in aquatic and terrestrial prey availability
Aquatic prey subsidies entering terrestrial habitats are well documented, but little is known
about the degree to which these resources provide fitness benefits to riparian consumers …
about the degree to which these resources provide fitness benefits to riparian consumers …
Survival and habitat use of fledgling Golden-winged Warblers in the western Great Lakes region
Postfledging habitat use and fledgling survival remain unstudied for most songbirds, but this
period is critical for understanding breeding habitat associations and full-season …
period is critical for understanding breeding habitat associations and full-season …
[PDF][PDF] Stand and within-stand factors influencing Golden-winged Warbler use of regenerating stands in the central Appalachian Mountains.
MH Bakermans, BW Smith, BC Jones… - Avian Conservation & …, 2015 - researchgate.net
The Golden-winged Warbler (Vermivora chrysoptera) is currently being considered for
protected status under the US Endangered Species Act. The creation of breeding habitat in …
protected status under the US Endangered Species Act. The creation of breeding habitat in …
Movements, cover-type selection, and survival of fledgling Ovenbirds in managed deciduous and mixed coniferous-deciduous forests
We used radio telemetry to monitor movements, cover-type selection, and survival for
fledglings of the mature-forest nesting Ovenbird (Seiurus aurocapilla) at two managed forest …
fledglings of the mature-forest nesting Ovenbird (Seiurus aurocapilla) at two managed forest …