[HTML][HTML] Electronic government and corruption: Systematic literature review, framework, and agenda for future research

A Khan, S Krishnan, A Dhir - Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 2021 - Elsevier
The notion of corruption has emerged as a prominent topic against the backdrop of e-
government. However, there are diverse but disorganized viewpoints about the relationship …

Government openness and public trust: The mediating role of democratic capacity

L Schmidthuber, A Ingrams… - Public Administration …, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
The open government paradigm implies that public processes are becoming more
transparent, public information is available online, and citizens and nongovernmental …

Open government maturity models: A global comparison

A Pirannejad, A Ingrams - Social Science Computer Review, 2023 - journals.sagepub.com
During the last decade, a new approach to bureaucratic reform in the field of public
administration, open government, has aimed to increase government transparency and …

Impact of national e-participation levels on inclusive human development and environmental performance: The mediating role of corruption control

P Silal, D Saha - Government Information Quarterly, 2021 - Elsevier
Against a backdrop of scant scholarly evidence regarding the effectiveness of E-
Participation (EP) in enabling broader macro-level outcomes, we posit that electronic …

E‐participation for combating corruption, increasing voice and accountability, and develo** government effectiveness: A cross‐country data analysis

W Waheduzzaman, S Khandaker - Australian Journal of Public …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
The national‐level data extracted from the World Bank, Transparency International, and the
United Nations databases were analysed in this study to examine the contribution of e …

Parsing the impact of E‐government on bureaucratic corruption

V Kalesnikaite, MI Neshkova, S Ganapati - Governance, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
Prior research has examined the effect of e‐government on corruption but has only
considered perceived political corruption that differs from the actual corruption that citizens …

[PDF][PDF] Toward a conceptual model for citizens' adoption of smart mobile government services during the COVID-19 pandemic in Jordan

AF Alkhwaldi, RT Al-Ajaleen - Inf. Sci. Lett, 2022 - naturalspublishing.com
With the accelerated evolution of smart mobile applications, more government organizations
are putting forth efforts to motivate their citizens to utilize mobile government (m-gov) …

Public sector corruption and perceived government performance in transition

TT Moldogaziev, C Liu - Governance, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
We offer evidence that public sector corruption has an inverse association with evaluations
of performance at both the local and central government levels. Consistent with ex ante …

Arab cultural dimensions model for e-government services adoption in public sector organisations: An empirical examination

MM Ayyash, FAT Herzallah… - Electronic Government …, 2022 - inderscienceonline.com
The aim of this study is to examine the effect of Arab cultural dimensions on employees'
adoption of e-government services by adaptation of the cultural dimensions concept as …

The potential of eParticipation in enlarging individual capabilities: a conceptual framework

F Pinto, MA Macadar, GV Pereira - Information Technology for …, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
The success of citizens' electronic participation, or eParticipation, depends not only on
mitigating digital divide challenges, but also on facing socio-organizational issues such as …