Intolerance of uncertainty as a transdiagnostic mechanism of psychological difficulties: A systematic review of evidence pertaining to causality and temporal …
BA Rosser - Cognitive therapy and research, 2019 - Springer
Intolerance of uncertainty (IU) is proposed to be a transdiagnostic causal mechanism of
psychological difficulties. The systematic review sought to evaluate the status of evidence …
psychological difficulties. The systematic review sought to evaluate the status of evidence …
Intolerance of uncertainty as a cognitive vulnerability for obsessive-compulsive disorder: A qualitative review.
Intolerance of uncertainty (IU) is the tendency to react negatively to uncertain situations. In
this review, we critically evaluate the evidence for IU as a cognitive vulnerability for …
this review, we critically evaluate the evidence for IU as a cognitive vulnerability for …
How might childhood adversity predict adult psychological distress? Applying the identity disruption model to understanding depression and anxiety disorders
Background Experiencing adversity in childhood is associated with increased risk of a range
of psychopathologies, including depression and anxiety disorders. However, there is limited …
of psychopathologies, including depression and anxiety disorders. However, there is limited …
Media exposure to COVID-19 predicted acute stress: a moderated mediation model of intolerance of uncertainty and perceived social support
X He, Y Zhang, M Chen, J Zhang, W Zou… - Frontiers in Psychiatry, 2021 - frontiersin.org
Background: Previous studies have found that disaster-related media exposure could
predict acute stress responses. However, few studies have investigated the relationship …
predict acute stress responses. However, few studies have investigated the relationship …
Testing times: the association of intolerance of uncertainty and metacognitive beliefs to test anxiety in college students
Background Test anxiety has a detrimental effect on test performance but current
interventions for test anxiety have limited efficacy. Therefore, examination of newer …
interventions for test anxiety have limited efficacy. Therefore, examination of newer …
Intolerance of uncertainty as a transdiagnostic vulnerability to anxiety disorders in youth
Anxiety disorders are the most prevalent disorders among youth and understanding
cognitive vulnerabilities for these disorders is crucial for early prevention and treatment. The …
cognitive vulnerabilities for these disorders is crucial for early prevention and treatment. The …
Aversive reactivity: A transdiagnostic functional bridge between neuroticism and avoidant behavioral co**
Aversive reactivity to negative affect has been described as a transdiagnostic mechanism
that links distal temperamental vulnerabilities to clinically relevant behaviors. However, the …
that links distal temperamental vulnerabilities to clinically relevant behaviors. However, the …
Learning to Love Uncertainty
Uncertainty has a negative reputation. Not knowing what has happened or is going to
happen is typically depicted as undesirable, and people often seek to minimize and avoid it …
happen is typically depicted as undesirable, and people often seek to minimize and avoid it …
Examination of an experimental manipulation of intolerance of uncertainty on obsessive-compulsive outcomes
HE Faleer, TA Fergus, BE Bailey, KD Wu - Journal of Obsessive …, 2017 - Elsevier
Intolerance of uncertainty (IU)—the tendency to avoid ambiguous situations and view
oneself as unable to cope with uncertainty—is a core cognitive vulnerability for obsessive …
oneself as unable to cope with uncertainty—is a core cognitive vulnerability for obsessive …
Measuring intolerance of uncertainty after acquired Brain Injury: factor structure, reliability, and validity of the intolerance of uncertainty Scale–12
Intolerance of uncertainty (IU) is a risk factor for poor mental health. Acquired brain injury
(ABI; for example, stroke, traumatic brain injury) often brings considerable uncertainty and …
(ABI; for example, stroke, traumatic brain injury) often brings considerable uncertainty and …