Stress configuration‐based classification of current research on fatigue of reinforced and prestressed concrete

A Baktheer, C Goralski, J Hegger… - Structural …, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
The limited understanding of the fatigue behavior of reinforced and prestressed concrete
members is one of the reasons why many structures do not reach their expected service life …

Coupled sliding–decohesion–compression model for a consistent description of monotonic and fatigue behavior of material interfaces

R Chudoba, M Vořechovský, M Aguilar… - Computer Methods in …, 2022 - Elsevier
A thermodynamically consistent model proposed in this work introduces a generative
symbolic framework for computational components, which can capture the inelastic behavior …

Fracture mechanics based interpretation of the load sequence effect in the flexural fatigue behavior of concrete using digital image correlation

A Baktheer, H Becks - Construction and Building Materials, 2021 - Elsevier
For a reliable and economical design of concrete structures subjected to fatigue loading, a
comprehensive understanding and realistic prediction of concrete fatigue life under complex …

Microplane fatigue model MS1 for plain concrete under compression with damage evolution driven by cumulative inelastic shear strain

A Baktheer, M Aguilar, R Chudoba - International Journal of Plasticity, 2021 - Elsevier
Mathematical modeling of fatigue behavior of concrete under compressive loading presents
a challenging topic that attracts an increasing interest of the scientific community. The …

Damage evolution and residual shear resistance of toughness-improved UHPC-NSC interface under high-stress level of fatigue shear loading

J **a, J Zhou, J Yang, Z Zhang, Y Zou - Construction and Building Materials, 2024 - Elsevier
Shear properties between ultra-high performance concrete (UHPC) and normal strength
concrete (NSC) are critical factors influencing the efficiency of UHPC strengthening …

Experimental and theoretical evidence for the load sequence effect in the compressive fatigue behavior of concrete

A Baktheer, R Chudoba - Materials and Structures, 2021 - Springer
A realistic prediction of the concrete fatigue life exposed to high-cycle loading scenarios with
variable amplitudes is of utmost importance for a reliable and economically efficient design …

Fatigue‐induced stress redistribution in prestressed concrete beams modeled using the constitutive hypothesis of inter‐aggregate degradation

A Baktheer, S Esfandiari, M Aguilar… - Fatigue & Fracture of …, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
Despite of intensive research on concrete fatigue, the transfer of fatigue characteristics
determined at the material level to the structural level remains a challenging issue. In this …

A simplified fatigue model for CFRP-strengthened RC beams under the coupling action of a hot–wet/saline environment and cyclic loading

S Luo, W Li, Z Chen, X Guo, D Li, J Lin, G Qin… - International Journal of …, 2024 - Elsevier
Reinforced concrete (RC) structures in subtropical coastal areas are subjected to the
combined influences of temperature, humidity, and salt exposure. Previous studies on the …

Modeling cyclic crack propagation in concrete using the scaled boundary finite element method coupled with the cumulative damage-plasticity constitutive law

O Alrayes, C Könke, ET Ooi, KM Hamdia - Materials, 2023 -
Many concrete structures, such as bridges and wind turbine towers, fail mostly due to the
fatigue rapture and bending, where the cracks are initiated and propagate under cyclic …

On the energy dissipation in confined concrete subjected to shear cyclic loading

M Aguilar, A Baktheer, R Chudoba - PAMM, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
The establishment of a simple engineering rule for predicting the fatigue failure of concrete
has been pursued over the past decades. An energetic approach to the matter seems to be …