[HTML][HTML] Embracing the emotion in emotional intelligence measurement: Insights from emotion theory and research
Emotional intelligence (EI) has gained significant popularity as a scientific construct over the
past three decades, yet its conceptualization and measurement still face limitations. Applied …
past three decades, yet its conceptualization and measurement still face limitations. Applied …
Tasks and investigated components in social cognition research among adults with alcohol use disorder: A critical sco** review.
Objective: Social cognition research in alcohol use disorder (AUD) has accumulated over
the past decades and has implications for understanding the interpersonal problems …
the past decades and has implications for understanding the interpersonal problems …
The representation of emotion knowledge across development
The present study examined how children spontaneously represent facial cues associated
with emotion. 106 three‐to six‐year‐old children (48 male, 58 female; 9.4% Asian, 84.0 …
with emotion. 106 three‐to six‐year‐old children (48 male, 58 female; 9.4% Asian, 84.0 …
Using freely generated labels instead of rating scales to assess emotion in everyday life
To measure emotion in daily life, studies often prompt participants to repeatedly rate their
feelings on a set of prespecified terms. This approach has yielded key findings in the …
feelings on a set of prespecified terms. This approach has yielded key findings in the …
Aging and social cognition: A comprehensive review of the literature.
Aging is associated with a decline in several neurocognitive processes but also with a
preserved or even improved emotional functioning. As both neurocognitive and emotional …
preserved or even improved emotional functioning. As both neurocognitive and emotional …
They cannot, they will not, or we are asking the wrong questions: Re-examining age-related decline in social cognition
Social cognition is critical for successfully navigating social relationships. Current evidence
suggests that older adults exhibit poorer performance in several core social-cognitive …
suggests that older adults exhibit poorer performance in several core social-cognitive …
[PDF][PDF] Systematic Literature Review Main Empirical Project
N Farran - 2023 - kclpure.kcl.ac.uk
Individuals from non-Western countries or those from ethnic minoritised groups are
increasingly encountered in many clinical settings across the world and in multicultural …
increasingly encountered in many clinical settings across the world and in multicultural …
[ספר][B] Children's Representation of Facial Cues of Emotion Across Development
K Woodard - 2021 - search.proquest.com
The present study examined how children spontaneously represent facial cues associated
with emotion. 107 three-to six-year-old children (gender: 48 M, 59 F; race/ethnicity: 9.3 …
with emotion. 107 three-to six-year-old children (gender: 48 M, 59 F; race/ethnicity: 9.3 …
[PDF][PDF] A Predictive Model for Emotion Recognition Based on Individual Characteristics and
Introduction: The importance of individual differences in the problem of emotion recognition
has been repeatedly stated in the studies. The major concentration of this study was the …
has been repeatedly stated in the studies. The major concentration of this study was the …