Land conversion to agriculture induces taxonomic homogenization of soil microbial communities globally

Z Peng, X Qian, Y Liu, X Li, H Gao, Y An, J Qi… - Nature …, 2024 -
Agriculture contributes to a decline in local species diversity and to above-and below-
ground biotic homogenization. Here, we conduct a continental survey using 1185 soil …

Organic amendments drive shifts in microbial community structure and keystone taxa which increase C mineralization across aggregate size classes

X Wang, Q Bian, Y Jiang, L Zhu, Y Chen… - Soil Biology and …, 2021 - Elsevier
Organic amendments can stimulate soil organic carbon (SOC) mineralization and soil
aggregation simultaneously, which can improve C sequestration and soil fertility. However …

Soil organic carbon and nitrogen fractions as affected by straw and nitrogen management on the North China Plain

G Ren, X Zhang, X **n, W Yang, A Zhu, J Yang… - Agriculture, Ecosystems …, 2023 - Elsevier
Straw incorporation and nitrogen (N) application play crucial roles in regulating soil carbon
(C) and N storage and availability. However, their effects on soil C and N fractions and …

Differential long-term fertilization alters residue-derived labile organic carbon fractions and microbial community during straw residue decomposition

Z Ge, S Li, R Bol, P Zhu, C Peng, T An, N Cheng… - Soil and tillage …, 2021 - Elsevier
Straw residue amendment and fertilization are the key global management strategies for
achieving more sustainable agriculture. However, the temporal changes in labile soil …

Higher-order interactions and emergent properties of microbial communities: The power of synthetic ecology

O Gallardo-Navarro, B Aguilar-Salinas, J Rocha… - Heliyon, 2024 -
Humans have long relied on microbial communities to create products, produce energy, and
treat waste. The microbiota residing within our bodies directly impacts our health, while the …

Effects of exogenous organic matter addition on agricultural soil microbial communities and relevant enzyme activities in southern China

X Liu, Q Chen, H Zhang, J Zhang, Y Chen, F Yao… - Scientific Reports, 2023 -
Soil microbial community composition plays a key role in the decomposition of organic
matter, while the quality of exogenous organic matter (EOM: rice straw, roots and pig …

Network analysis reveals bacterial and fungal keystone taxa involved in straw and soil organic matter mineralization

D **ao, X He, G Wang, X Xu, Y Hu, X Chen, W Zhang… - Applied Soil …, 2022 - Elsevier
Understanding the effects of straw return and N fertilization on soil organic matter (SOM)
transformations will help maintain crop production and soil function, which can ultimately …

Nitrogen availability mediates the priming effect of soil organic matter by preferentially altering the straw carbon-assimilating microbial community

S Bei, X Li, TW Kuyper, DR Chadwick… - Science of the Total …, 2022 - Elsevier
Straw incorporation into soil increases carbon (C) sequestration but can induce priming
effects (PE), the enhanced breakdown of soil organic matter. The direction and magnitude of …

Succession of the soil bacterial community as resource utilization shifts from plant residues to rhizodeposits

Y Fu, Y Luo, C Tang, Y Li, G Guggenberger… - Soil Biology and …, 2022 - Elsevier
Identifying the core taxa involved in the utilization of plant straw or/and rhizodeposits is key
to understanding the microbial mechanisms underlying the turnover of these plant-derived …

Soil microbial metabolism on carbon and nitrogen transformation links the crop-residue contribution to soil organic carbon

Z **e, Z Yu, Y Li, G Wang, X Liu, C Tang… - npj Biofilms and …, 2022 -
The beneficial effect of crop residue amendment on soil organic carbon (SOC) stock and
stability depends on the functional response of soil microbial communities. Here we …