Adaptive Introgression across Semipermeable Species Boundaries between Local Helicoverpa zea and Invasive Helicoverpa armigera Moths
Hybridization between invasive and native species has raised global concern, given the
dramatic increase in species range shifts and pest outbreaks due to anthropogenic …
dramatic increase in species range shifts and pest outbreaks due to anthropogenic …
The role of mate competition in speciation and divergence: a systematic review
Competition for mates can play a critical role in determining reproductive success, sha**
phenotypic variation within populations, and influencing divergence. Yet, studies of the role …
phenotypic variation within populations, and influencing divergence. Yet, studies of the role …
Sexual Selection and Introgression in Avian Hybrid Zones: Spotlight on Manacus
Hybrid zones offer a window into the processes and outcomes of evolution, from species
formation or fusion to genomic underpinnings of specific traits and isolating mechanisms …
formation or fusion to genomic underpinnings of specific traits and isolating mechanisms …
Cryptic and extensive hybridization between ancient lineages of American crows
Most species and therefore most hybrid zones have historically been defined using
phenotypic characters. However, both speciation and hybridization can occur with negligible …
phenotypic characters. However, both speciation and hybridization can occur with negligible …
Sequential introgression of a carotenoid processing gene underlies sexual ornament diversity in a genus of manakins
In a hybrid zone between two tropical lekking birds, yellow male plumage of one species
has introgressed asymmetrically replacing white plumage of another via sexual selection …
has introgressed asymmetrically replacing white plumage of another via sexual selection …
Sex chromosome turnover in hybridizing stickleback lineages
Recent discoveries of sex chromosome diversity across the tree of life have challenged the
canonical model of conserved sex chromosome evolution and evoked new theories on …
canonical model of conserved sex chromosome evolution and evoked new theories on …
[HTML][HTML] Mixing genetically and morphologically distinct populations in translocations: Asymmetrical introgression in a newly established population of the boodie …
The use of multiple source populations provides a way to maximise genetic variation and
reduce the impacts of inbreeding depression in newly established translocated populations …
reduce the impacts of inbreeding depression in newly established translocated populations …
Hybrid zone or hybrid lineage: a genomic reevaluation of Sibley's classic species conundrum in Pipilo towhees
Hybrid zones can be studied by modeling clines of trait variation (eg, morphology, genetics)
over a linear transect. Yet, hybrid zones can also be spatially complex, can shift over time …
over a linear transect. Yet, hybrid zones can also be spatially complex, can shift over time …
Temporal stability of the hybrid zone between Calocitta magpie‐jays revealed through comparison of museum specimens and iNaturalist photos
Hybrid zones are natural experiments for the study of avian evolution. Hybrid zones can be
dynamic, moving as species adjust to new climates and habitats, with unknown implications …
dynamic, moving as species adjust to new climates and habitats, with unknown implications …
Ongoing introgression of a secondary sexual plumage trait in a stable avian hybrid zone
Hybrid zones are dynamic systems where natural selection, sexual selection, and other
evolutionary forces can act on reshuffled combinations of distinct genomes. The movement …
evolutionary forces can act on reshuffled combinations of distinct genomes. The movement …