Intelligent metasurfaces: control, communication and computing

L Li, H Zhao, C Liu, L Li, TJ Cui - elight, 2022 - Springer
Controlling electromagnetic waves and information simultaneously by information
metasurfaces is of central importance in modern society. Intelligent metasurfaces are smart …

Reconfigurable intelligent surfaces for wireless communications: Principles, challenges, and opportunities

MA ElMossallamy, H Zhang, L Song… - IEEE Transactions …, 2020 -
Recently there has been a flurry of research on the use of reconfigurable intelligent surfaces
(RIS) in wireless networks to create smart radio environments. In a smart radio environment …

Reconfigurable, intelligent, and sustainable wireless environments for 6G smart connectivity

EC Strinati, GC Alexandropoulos… - IEEE …, 2021 -
Various visions of the forthcoming sixth generation (6G) networks point toward flexible
connect-and-compute technologies to support future innovative services and the …

Toward smart wireless communications via intelligent reflecting surfaces: A contemporary survey

S Gong, X Lu, DT Hoang, D Niyato… - … Surveys & Tutorials, 2020 -
This paper presents a literature review on recent applications and design aspects of the
intelligent reflecting surface (IRS) in the future wireless networks. Conventionally, the …

Experimentally realized physical-model-based frugal wave control in metasurface-programmable complex media

J Sol, H Prod'homme, L Le Magoarou… - Nature …, 2024 -
Metasurface-programmable radio environments are considered a key ingredient of next-
generation wireless networks. Yet, identifying a metasurface configuration that yields a …

Wireless communications through reconfigurable intelligent surfaces

E Basar, M Di Renzo, J De Rosny, M Debbah… - IEEE …, 2019 -
The future of mobile communications looks exciting with the potential new use cases and
challenging requirements of future 6th generation (6G) and beyond wireless networks. Since …

Smart radio environments empowered by reconfigurable AI meta-surfaces: An idea whose time has come

MD Renzo, M Debbah, DT Phan-Huy… - EURASIP Journal on …, 2019 - Springer
Future wireless networks are expected to constitute a distributed intelligent wireless
communications, sensing, and computing platform, which will have the challenging …

Reconfigurable intelligent surfaces for localization: Position and orientation error bounds

A Elzanaty, A Guerra, F Guidi… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2021 -
Next-generation cellular networks could witness the creation of smart radio environments
(SREs), where walls and objects will be coated with reconfigurable intelligent surfaces …

An optically driven digital metasurface for programming electromagnetic functions

XG Zhang, WX Jiang, HL Jiang, Q Wang, HW Tian… - Nature …, 2020 -
Metasurfaces are engineered surfaces that consist of subwavelength periodic elements and
can be used to manipulate electromagnetic waves. Multifunctional or reconfigurable …

Review paper on hardware of reconfigurable intelligent surfaces

B Rana, SS Cho, IP Hong - IEEE Access, 2023 -
Recently reconfigurable intelligent surface (RIS) has attracted great attention because it can
create a smart wireless environment. Hence it can enhance the capacity and coverage of the …