[HTML][HTML] Microbially induced carbonate precipitation (MICP) for soil strengthening: A comprehensive review
T Fu, AC Saracho, SK Haigh - Biogeotechnics, 2023 - Elsevier
Geotechnical research has been yearning for revolutionary innovations that could bring
breakthroughs to conventional practices, especially at a time when energy efficiency and …
breakthroughs to conventional practices, especially at a time when energy efficiency and …
Toward self-healing concrete infrastructure: review of experiments and simulations across scales
Cement and concrete are vital materials used to construct durable habitats and infrastructure
that withstand natural and human-caused disasters. Still, concrete cracking imposes …
that withstand natural and human-caused disasters. Still, concrete cracking imposes …
Classical and nonclassical nucleation and growth mechanisms for nanoparticle formation
All solid materials are created via nucleation. In this evolutionary process, nuclei form in
solution or at interfaces, expand by monomeric growth and oriented attachment, and …
solution or at interfaces, expand by monomeric growth and oriented attachment, and …
Bioremediation of heavy metals by using bacterial mixtures
CH Kang, YJ Kwon, JS So - Ecological engineering, 2016 - Elsevier
Environmental pollution by heavy and toxic metals because of mining, metallurgic
processes, and other chemical industries is a worldwide problem affecting both human …
processes, and other chemical industries is a worldwide problem affecting both human …
Bacteria-induced mineral precipitation: a mechanistic review
Micro-organisms contribute to Earth's mineral deposits through a process known as bacteria-
induced mineral precipitation (BIMP). It is a complex phenomenon that can occur as a result …
induced mineral precipitation (BIMP). It is a complex phenomenon that can occur as a result …
[KNYGA][B] Production chemicals for the oil and gas industry
MA Kelland - 2016 - taylorfrancis.com
Modern production methods and environmental constraints demand chemical solutions. And
as oilfields age, the need for chemicals to ensure steady production increases. Production …
as oilfields age, the need for chemicals to ensure steady production increases. Production …
Optimum conditions for microbial carbonate precipitation
GDO Okwadha, J Li - Chemosphere, 2010 - Elsevier
The type of bacteria, bacterial cell concentration, initial urea concentration, reaction
temperature, the initial Ca2+ concentration, ionic strength, and the pH of the media are some …
temperature, the initial Ca2+ concentration, ionic strength, and the pH of the media are some …
Key roles of pH and calcium metabolism in microbial carbonate precipitation
F Hammes, W Verstraete* - Reviews in environmental science and …, 2002 - Springer
Key roles of pH and calcium metabolism in microbial carbonate precipitation Page 1 Re/Views
in Environmental Science & Bio/Technology 1: 3–7, 2002. © 2002 Kluwer Academic …
in Environmental Science & Bio/Technology 1: 3–7, 2002. © 2002 Kluwer Academic …
Microbially Induced Sedimentary Structures Recording an Ancient Ecosystem in the ca. 3.48 Billion-Year-Old Dresser Formation, Pilbara, Western Australia
Microbially induced sedimentary structures (MISS) result from the response of microbial
mats to physical sediment dynamics. MISS are cosmopolitan and found in many modern …
mats to physical sediment dynamics. MISS are cosmopolitan and found in many modern …
Iron and aluminum hydroxysulfates from acid sulfate waters
JM Bigham, DK Nordstrom - Reviews in mineralogy and …, 2000 - pubs.geoscienceworld.org
Acid sulfate waters are produced mostly by the oxidation of common sulfide minerals such
as pyrite, chalcopyrite, pyrrhotite, and marcasite in rocks, soils, sediments, and industrial …
as pyrite, chalcopyrite, pyrrhotite, and marcasite in rocks, soils, sediments, and industrial …