Core–shell nanoparticles: synthesis and applications in catalysis and electrocatalysis
Core–shell nanoparticles (CSNs) are a class of nanostructured materials that have recently
received increased attention owing to their interesting properties and broad range of …
received increased attention owing to their interesting properties and broad range of …
Nitroarene reduction: a trusted model reaction to test nanoparticle catalysts
Nitrophenol reduction to aminophenol with a reducing agent is conveniently carried out in
aqueous medium mainly with a metal or metal oxide catalyst. This reduction is presently …
aqueous medium mainly with a metal or metal oxide catalyst. This reduction is presently …
Au/graphene hydrogel: synthesis, characterization and its use for catalytic reduction of 4-nitrophenol
J Li, C Liu, Y Liu - Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2012 - pubs.rsc.org
A cylindrical piece of Au/graphene hydrogel, 1.08 cm in diameter and 1.28 cm in height, has
been synthesized through the self-assembly of Au/graphene sheets under hydrothermal …
been synthesized through the self-assembly of Au/graphene sheets under hydrothermal …
Nanosilver as a new generation of silver catalysts in organic transformations for efficient synthesis of fine chemicals
XY Dong, ZW Gao, KF Yang, WQ Zhang… - Catalysis Science & …, 2015 - pubs.rsc.org
Catalysis of silver nanoparticles, among the metal-based nanoparticles, has been of great
interest in organic synthesis and has expanded rapidly in the past ten years because of …
interest in organic synthesis and has expanded rapidly in the past ten years because of …
Synergistic catalysis of Au@ Ag core− shell nanoparticles stabilized on metal− organic framework
For the first time, this work presents Au@ Ag core− shell nanoparticles (NPs) immobilized on
a metal− organic framework (MOF) by a sequential deposition− reduction method. The small …
a metal− organic framework (MOF) by a sequential deposition− reduction method. The small …
Enhanced catalytic reduction of nitrophenols by sodium borohydride over highly recyclable Au@ graphitic carbon nitride nanocomposites
In this study, a photochemical green synthesis using thermal exfoliation process is
developed to fabricate Au@ graphitic carbon nitride (gC 3 N 4) nanocomposite, highly …
developed to fabricate Au@ graphitic carbon nitride (gC 3 N 4) nanocomposite, highly …
Photochemical green synthesis of calcium-alginate-stabilized Ag and Au nanoparticles and their catalytic application to 4-nitrophenol reduction
Silver and gold nanoparticles have been grown on calcium alginate gel beads using a
green photochemical approach. The gel served as both a reductant and a stabilizer. The …
green photochemical approach. The gel served as both a reductant and a stabilizer. The …
In situ assembly of well-dispersed Ag nanoparticles (AgNPs) on electrospun carbon nanofibers (CNFs) for catalytic reduction of 4-nitrophenol
Carbon nanofibers/silver nanoparticles (CNFs/AgNPs) composite nanofibers were
fabricated by two steps consisting of the preparation of the CNFs by electrospinning and the …
fabricated by two steps consisting of the preparation of the CNFs by electrospinning and the …
Factors that affect pickering emulsions stabilized by graphene oxide
Y He, F Wu, X Sun, R Li, Y Guo, C Li… - … applied materials & …, 2013 - ACS Publications
Stable Pickering emulsions were prepared using only graphene oxide (GO) as a stabilizer,
and the effects of the type of oil, the sonication time, the GO concentration, the oil/water ratio …
and the effects of the type of oil, the sonication time, the GO concentration, the oil/water ratio …
Effect of NaBH4 on properties of nanoscale zero-valent iron and its catalytic activity for reduction of p-nitrophenol
The reduction of p-nitrophenol (p-NP) to p-aminophenol (p-AP) by nanoscale zero-valent
iron (NZVI)/NaBH 4 system in an oxygen environment was studied by means of liquid …
iron (NZVI)/NaBH 4 system in an oxygen environment was studied by means of liquid …