Assessing the benefits of gamification in mathematics for student gameful experience and gaming motivation
D Alt - Computers & Education, 2023 - Elsevier
This study addresses the question of how to use game design elements to raise students'
motivation to engage in mathematics learning activities. Four conditions of mathematics …
motivation to engage in mathematics learning activities. Four conditions of mathematics …
A systematic literature review of STEM education in Indonesia (2016-2021): Contribution to Improving Skills in 21st Century Learning
Abstract STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) education is an
alternative learning approach to construct 21st-century skills. It encourages the emergence …
alternative learning approach to construct 21st-century skills. It encourages the emergence …
Peran adaptasi game (gamifikasi) dalam pembelajaran untuk menguatkan literasi digital: Systematic literature review
DN Sari, AR Alfiyan - UPGRADE: Jurnal …, 2023 - journal.universitasbumigora.ac.id
This research is a systematic literature review that aims to analyze the role of game
adaptation or gamification in learning to strengthen digital literacy. Using the SLR method …
adaptation or gamification in learning to strengthen digital literacy. Using the SLR method …
Gamification in higher education: The ECOn+ star battles
Gamification is a thriving technique that has attracted attention in higher education. Despite
the increasing number of studies published in recent years, the problem is that the …
the increasing number of studies published in recent years, the problem is that the …
[PDF][PDF] Gamification of mathematics teaching materials: its validity, practicality and effectiveness
Gamification is a strategy for involving students by incorporating game elements into the
learning process to improve specific abilities, involving students, optimizing learning …
learning process to improve specific abilities, involving students, optimizing learning …
Effects of gamification and communication in virtual reality frozen shoulder rehabilitation for enhanced rehabilitation continuity
The monotony of movements makes frozen shoulder rehabilitation an boring task for certain
patients. This study posits that gamification and the presence of others can effectively …
patients. This study posits that gamification and the presence of others can effectively …
A practice for the design of interactive multimedia experiences based on gamification: A case study in elementary education
This research proposes a practice for the design of interactive multimedia experiences,
based on gamification and applied in elementary education. The practice is expressed in the …
based on gamification and applied in elementary education. The practice is expressed in the …
Gamification pedagogy: A motivational approach to student-centric course design in higher education
F Gironella - Journal of University Teaching and Learning …, 2023 - search.informit.org
This article explores the praxis of gamification pedagogy and post-secondary course design.
The literature on gamified design theory and current research on its application as a …
The literature on gamified design theory and current research on its application as a …
[HTML][HTML] The feasibility of AgileNudge+ software to facilitate positive behavioral change: mixed methods design
Background: In today's digital age, web-based apps have become integral to daily life,
driving transformative shifts in human behavior.“AgileNudge+”(Indiana University Center for …
driving transformative shifts in human behavior.“AgileNudge+”(Indiana University Center for …
Fostering cybersecurity awareness and skills development through digital game-based learning
Technological innovations pose several security, safety, and privacy threats. An array of
educational games has been developed to raise cybersecurity awareness and promote …
educational games has been developed to raise cybersecurity awareness and promote …