DWT-SVD and DCT based robust and blind watermarking scheme for copyright protection

D Singh, SK Singh - Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2017 - Springer
In this article, a new DWT-SVD and DCT with Arnold Cat Map encryption based robust and
blind watermarking scheme is proposed for copyright protection. The proposed scheme …

An optimized watermarking technique based on self-adaptive DE in DWT–SVD transform domain

M Ali, CW Ahn - Signal processing, 2014 - Elsevier
The performance of differential evolution (DE) algorithm is significantly affected by its
parameters setting that are highly problem dependent. In this paper, an optimal discrete …

DCT based efficient fragile watermarking scheme for image authentication and restoration

D Singh, SK Singh - Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2017 - Springer
Due to rapid development of Internet and computer technology, image authentication and
restoration are very essential, especially when it is utilized in forensic science, medical …

Differential evolution algorithm for the selection of optimal scaling factors in image watermarking

M Ali, CW Ahn, P Siarry - Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 2014 - Elsevier
In this paper, an innovative watermarking scheme based on differential evolution (DE) in the
transform domain is proposed. The insertion and extraction of the watermark are performed …

Optimized watermarking technique using self-adaptive differential evolution based on redundant discrete wavelet transform and singular value decomposition

MH Vali, A Aghagolzadeh, Y Baleghi - Expert Systems with Applications, 2018 - Elsevier
Imperceptibility, capacity, robustness and security are four basic requirements of any
watermarking technique. A new blind image watermarking technique based on the …

A robust region-adaptive dual image watermarking technique

C Song, S Sudirman, M Merabti - Journal of visual communication and …, 2012 - Elsevier
Despite the progress in digital image watermarking technology, the main objectives of the
majority of research in this area remain to be the improvement in robustness to attack. In this …

Robust digital image watermarking scheme with a fractional-order discrete-time chaotic scheme and DWT-SVD transform

K Hannoun, H Hamiche, M Lahdir, O Megherbi… - Physica …, 2024 - iopscience.iop.org
A robust digital image watermarking system with a fractional-order discrete-time chaotic
system and discrete wavelet transform-singular value decomposition is presented. The …

QR code based blind digital image watermarking with attack detection code

PP Thulasidharan, MS Nair - AEU-International Journal of Electronics and …, 2015 - Elsevier
A QR code based blind digital image watermarking technique with an attack detection
feature is described here. The technique describes a key based framework to incorporate …

[PDF][PDF] Survey on digital watermarking techniques

D Shukla, N Tiwari, D Dubey - International Journal of Signal …, 2016 - academia.edu
This paper presents a literature survey on Digital Watermarking within an image. It describes
the early work carried out on digital watermarks, including the brief analysis of various …

Block truncation coding based effective watermarking scheme for image authentication with recovery capability

D Singh, SK Singh - Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2019 - Springer
Due to the advancement of photo-editing software, powerful computers and high resolution
capturing devices, it has become tough to prevent the digital image from tampering. So, in …