Global field observations of tree die-off reveal hotter-drought fingerprint for Earth's forests
Earth's forests face grave challenges in the Anthropocene, including hotter droughts
increasingly associated with widespread forest die-off events. But despite the vital …
increasingly associated with widespread forest die-off events. But despite the vital …
Mechanisms of woody-plant mortality under rising drought, CO2 and vapour pressure deficit
Drought-associated woody-plant mortality has been increasing in most regions with multi-
decadal records and is projected to increase in the future, impacting terrestrial climate …
decadal records and is projected to increase in the future, impacting terrestrial climate …
Weather and climate extreme events in a changing climate
Caption: Table A. 11. 2. Synthesis table summarising assessments presented in Tables 11.4-
11.21 for hot extremes (HOT EXT.), heavy precipitation (HEAVY PRECIP.), agriculture and …
11.21 for hot extremes (HOT EXT.), heavy precipitation (HEAVY PRECIP.), agriculture and …
The impacts of rising vapour pressure deficit in natural and managed ecosystems
An exponential rise in the atmospheric vapour pressure deficit (VPD) is among the most
consequential impacts of climate change in terrestrial ecosystems. Rising VPD has negative …
consequential impacts of climate change in terrestrial ecosystems. Rising VPD has negative …
Plant responses to rising vapor pressure deficit
Recent decades have been characterized by increasing temperatures worldwide, resulting
in an exponential climb in vapor pressure deficit (VPD). VPD has been identified as an …
in an exponential climb in vapor pressure deficit (VPD). VPD has been identified as an …
[HTML][HTML] Many risky feedback loops amplify the need for climate action
Many feedback loops significantly increase warming due to greenhouse gas emissions.
However, not all of these feedbacks are fully accounted for in climate models. Thus …
However, not all of these feedbacks are fully accounted for in climate models. Thus …
No evidence of canopy-scale leaf thermoregulation to cool leaves below air temperature across a range of forest ecosystems
Understanding and predicting the relationship between leaf temperature (Tleaf) and air
temperature (Tair) is essential for projecting responses to a warming climate, as studies …
temperature (Tair) is essential for projecting responses to a warming climate, as studies …
Underappreciated plant vulnerabilities to heat waves
With climate change, heat waves are becoming increasingly frequent, intense and broader
in spatial extent. However, while the lethal effects of heat waves on humans are well …
in spatial extent. However, while the lethal effects of heat waves on humans are well …
Public health implications of drought in a climate change context: a critical review
Extreme weather events are expected to increase due to climate change, which could pose
an additional burden of morbidity and mortality. In recent decades, drought severity has …
an additional burden of morbidity and mortality. In recent decades, drought severity has …
On underestimation of global vulnerability to tree mortality and forest die‐off from hotter drought in the Anthropocene
Patterns, mechanisms, projections, and consequences of tree mortality and associated
broad‐scale forest die‐off due to drought accompanied by warmer temperatures—“hotter …
broad‐scale forest die‐off due to drought accompanied by warmer temperatures—“hotter …