Seismic hazard and risk assessment: a review of state-of-the-art traditional and GIS models
The historical records of earthquakes play a vital role in seismic hazard and risk
assessment. During the last decade, geophysical, geotechnical, geochemical …
assessment. During the last decade, geophysical, geotechnical, geochemical …
Review on the application of airborne LiDAR in active tectonics of China: Dushanzi reverse fault in the Northern Tian Shan
High-resolution topographic data are fundamental for active tectonics studies. Within the last
2 decades, the airborne light detection and ranging (LiDAR) system provided a solution for …
2 decades, the airborne light detection and ranging (LiDAR) system provided a solution for …
[HTML][HTML] Geodetic Upper Crust Deformation Based on Primary GNSS and INSAR Data in the Strymon Basin, Northern Greece—Correlation with Active Faults
The Strymon basin (Northern Greece) belongs to the geodynamically active regime of the
Aegean and, as expected, it hosts active faults. Nevertheless, the study area exhibits a low …
Aegean and, as expected, it hosts active faults. Nevertheless, the study area exhibits a low …
The Seismic History of the Pisia Fault (Eastern Corinth Rift, Greece) From Fault Plane Weathering Features and Cosmogenic 36Cl Dating
The deformation of the eastern Corinth rift (Greece) is distributed along several E‐W
trending active normal faults. Here the 25‐km‐long Pisia fault experienced up to 150 cm of …
trending active normal faults. Here the 25‐km‐long Pisia fault experienced up to 150 cm of …
Treatise on the tectonic geomorphology of active faults: The significance of using a universal digital elevation model
This study presents the importance of the accuracy of six digital elevation models (DEMs), in
the calculation of the geomorphic indices and the classification of an active fault in the Gulf …
the calculation of the geomorphic indices and the classification of an active fault in the Gulf …
Detecting and characterizing active thrust fault and deep-seated landslides in dense forest areas of southern Taiwan using airborne LiDAR DEM
RF Chen, CW Lin, YH Chen, TC He, LY Fei - Remote Sensing, 2015 - mdpi.com
Steep topographic reliefs and heavy vegetation severely limit visibility when examining
geological structures and surface deformations in the field or when detecting these features …
geological structures and surface deformations in the field or when detecting these features …
Impact of coseismic uplifting on relative sea level change in the Southern Adriatic during the past 4.500 years–New evidence from Dubrovnik epicentral area based on …
Abstract The Southern Adriatic is recognized as one of the most seismically active regions of
the Central Mediterranean. It hosted the strongest historically known and instrumentally …
the Central Mediterranean. It hosted the strongest historically known and instrumentally …
Active seismogenic faulting in the Tehran Region, north of Iran; state-of-the-art and future seismic hazard assessment prospects
SS Azad - Tectonophysics, 2023 - Elsevier
This study summarizes the state-of-the-art investigation into active-seismogenic faulting in
the Tehran Region, and presents new complementary data to provide an overall view on …
the Tehran Region, and presents new complementary data to provide an overall view on …
Fault specific GIS based seismic hazard maps for the Attica region, Greece
Traditional seismic hazard assessment methods are based on the historical seismic records
for the calculation of an annual probability of exceedance for a particular ground motion …
for the calculation of an annual probability of exceedance for a particular ground motion …
Reconstructing the geometry of the Yushu Fault in the Tibetan Plateau using TLS, GPR and Trenching
Although geomorphic evidence and shallow geometry of active faults are significant for the
understanding and assessing of fault activity and seismic hazards, it is challenging to …
understanding and assessing of fault activity and seismic hazards, it is challenging to …