Environmental politics of reproduction

M Lappé, R Jeffries Hein… - Annual Review of …, 2019 - annualreviews.org
What constitutes “human reproduction” is under negotiation as its biology, social nature, and
cultural valences are increasingly perceived as bound up in environmental issues. This …

Unequal foodwork: situating the sociology of feeding within diet and nutrition disparities

P Fielding‐Singh, M Oleschuk - Sociology Compass, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
Widespread inequities in diet and nutrition present a pressing public health problem.
Sociologists working to illuminate the causes and contours of these inequities often center …

“Dad, wash your hands”: Gender, care work, and attitudes toward risk during the COVID-19 pandemic

J Umamaheswar, C Tan - Socius, 2020 - journals.sagepub.com
Recent analyses of responses to coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) have posited that
men's dismissive attitudes toward the risks of the virus reflect their attempts to conform to …

Anticipatory regimes in pregnancy: Cross-fertilising reproduction and parenting culture studies

E Ballif - Sociology, 2023 - journals.sagepub.com
Despite attempts at highlighting continuities across the reproductive process from
conception to childcare, reproduction and parenting still tend to be studied as a collection of …

Between careful and crazy: The emotion work of feeding the family in an industrialized food system

N MacKendrick, T Pristavec - Food, Culture & Society, 2019 - Taylor & Francis
Mothers are under tremendous pressure to feed children wholesome meals–a job that
requires careful attention to every ingredient on a child's plate. They are also urged to …

The temporal politics of placenta epigenetics: bodies, environments and time

M Lappé, RJ Hein - Body & society, 2023 - journals.sagepub.com
This article builds on feminist scholarship on new biologies and the body to describe the
temporal politics of epigenetic research related to the human placenta. Drawing on …

Mobilizing motherhood: The gendered burden of environmental protection

EM Cousins - Sociology compass, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Maternalist framing has been a consistent part of a long history of powerful, often successful
organizing for environmental protection and justice. Yet today's calls on individuals to …

Consuming health, negotiating risk," eating right": Exploring the limits of choice through a feminist intersectional lens

B Parker - Journal of Critical Dietetics, 2020 - journals.library.torontomu.ca
In the health-risk society, food choice is framed through public health nutrition and dietary
risks which are produced through nutritionism and econutrition. Dietary guidelines …

Bonding work: Spacing relations through pregnancy apps

J Hamper, C Nash - Transactions of the Institute of British …, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Smartphone pregnancy apps, which enable their users to track a pregnancy week by week
and offer advice to coincide with each stage, have transformed the spaces and times in …

Caring about water in Camden, New Jersey: social reproduction against slow violence

K Cairns - Gender, Place & Culture, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
This paper examines the heightened demands of social reproduction amidst the slow
violence of environmental harm. In doing so, it contributes to feminist scholarship bridging …