Getting over continent ocean boundaries
The idea of a simple linear boundary between continental and oceanic crust at extended
continental margins is widely recognized to be an oversimplification. Despite this, such …
continental margins is widely recognized to be an oversimplification. Despite this, such …
Lithospheric structure of southern Indian shield and adjoining oceans: integrated modelling of topography, gravity, geoid and heat flow data
For the present 2-D lithospheric density modelling, we selected three geotransects of more
than 1000 km in length each crossing the southern Indian shield, south of 16° N, in N–S and …
than 1000 km in length each crossing the southern Indian shield, south of 16° N, in N–S and …
[PDF][PDF] Structure and tectonics of the continental margins of India and the adjacent deep ocean basins: current status of knowledge and some unresolved problems
V Yatheesh - Episodes Journal of International Geoscience, 2020 -
The present day configuration of the continents and the deep ocean basins of the Indian
Ocean (Figure 1) resulted from the fragmentation and dispersal of the eastern sector of the …
Ocean (Figure 1) resulted from the fragmentation and dispersal of the eastern sector of the …
New aeromagnetic data from the western Enderby Basin and consequences for Antarctic‐India break‐up
W Jokat, Y Nogi, V Leinweber - Geophysical Research Letters, 2010 - Wiley Online Library
In order to enhance our understanding of the continental break‐up between East India and
Antarctica, a Japanese/German aerogeophysical survey was conducted off eastern …
Antarctica, a Japanese/German aerogeophysical survey was conducted off eastern …
High-resolution residual geoid and gravity anomaly data of the northern Indian Ocean–An input to geological understanding
Geoid data are more sensitive to density distributions deep within the Earth, thus the data
are useful for studying the internal processes of the Earth leading to formation of geological …
are useful for studying the internal processes of the Earth leading to formation of geological …
Plume-ridge interactions in the Central Indian Ocean Basin: Insights from new wide-angle seismic and potential field modelling
Abstract The central Indian Ocean Basin (CIOB) comprises numerous tectonic elements
related to the early-mid Cretaceous Antarctica-India rifting and subsequent formation of the …
related to the early-mid Cretaceous Antarctica-India rifting and subsequent formation of the …
Seismic investigations around an aseismic Comorin ridge, Indian Ocean
Aseismic ridges and oceanic plateaux, typically buried under thick post-rift sediments, are
isolated entities of enigmatic crustal character. Limited availability of deep seismic …
isolated entities of enigmatic crustal character. Limited availability of deep seismic …
[PDF][PDF] Stratigraphic responses to major depositional events from the Late Cretaceous to Miocene in the Mannar Basin, Sri Lanka
AS Ratnayake, Y Sampei… - Journal of Geological …, 2014 -
ABSTRACT The pericratonic Mannar Basin of Sri Lanka is characterized by sedimentary
facies, sedimentation rates and a burial history from the Late Cretaceous to Miocene using …
facies, sedimentation rates and a burial history from the Late Cretaceous to Miocene using …
Spatial variations in isostatic compensation mechanisms of the Ninetyeast Ridge and their tectonic significance
Abstract The Ninetyeast Ridge (NER), one of the longest linear volcanic features on the
Earth, offers an excellent opportunity of understanding the isostatic response to the …
Earth, offers an excellent opportunity of understanding the isostatic response to the …
Late Cretaceous to Miocene paleoclimatic changes in the Indian Ocean: insights from the deepwater Mannar Basin, Sri Lanka
AS Ratnayake - Geo-Marine Letters, 2021 - Springer
Abstract The geology of Sri Lanka captures one of the longest and most complete records of
Jurassic to Miocene tectonic evolutions from the mid-latitudes of the southern hemisphere to …
Jurassic to Miocene tectonic evolutions from the mid-latitudes of the southern hemisphere to …