Feature selection and feature extraction in pattern analysis: A literature review
Pattern analysis often requires a pre-processing stage for extracting or selecting features in
order to help the classification, prediction, or clustering stage discriminate or represent the …
order to help the classification, prediction, or clustering stage discriminate or represent the …
Body movements for affective expression: A survey of automatic recognition and generation
Body movements communicate affective expressions and, in recent years, computational
models have been developed to recognize affective expressions from body movements or to …
models have been developed to recognize affective expressions from body movements or to …
Movement coordination in human–robot teams: a dynamical systems approach
In order to be effective teammates, robots need to be able to understand high-level human
behavior to recognize, anticipate, and adapt to human motion. We have designed a new …
behavior to recognize, anticipate, and adapt to human motion. We have designed a new …
Gated recurrent neural networks for EMG-based hand gesture classification. A comparative study
Electromyographic activities (EMG) generated during contraction of upper limb muscles can
be mapped to distinct hand gestures and movements, posing them as a promising modality …
be mapped to distinct hand gestures and movements, posing them as a promising modality …
Coordination dynamics in multihuman multirobot teams
As robots enter human environments, they will be expected to collaborate and coordinate
their actions with people. In order for robots to become more fluent at this, particularly in …
their actions with people. In order for robots to become more fluent at this, particularly in …
How can affect be detected and represented in technological support for physical rehabilitation?
Although clinical best practice suggests that affect awareness could enable more effective
technological support for physical rehabilitation through personalisation to psychological …
technological support for physical rehabilitation through personalisation to psychological …
Laban effort and shape analysis of affective hand and arm movements
The Laban Effort and Shape components provide a systematic tool for a compact and
informative description of the dynamic qualities of movements. To enable the application of …
informative description of the dynamic qualities of movements. To enable the application of …
Automatic affect perception based on body gait and posture: A survey
There has been a growing interest in machine-based recognition of emotions from body gait
and its combination with other modalities. In order to highlight the major trends and state of …
and its combination with other modalities. In order to highlight the major trends and state of …
Applicability of RF-based methods for emotion recognition: A survey
Human emotion recognition has attracted a lot of research in recent years. However,
conventional methods for sensing human emotions are either expensive or privacy intrusive …
conventional methods for sensing human emotions are either expensive or privacy intrusive …
Local dual-graph discriminant classifier for binary classification
Graph-based methods mine the potential structural information of data by constructing
various graphs that positively affect the classifiers when dealing with classification problems …
various graphs that positively affect the classifiers when dealing with classification problems …