Organic electrochemical transistors for in vivo bioelectronics
Organic electrochemical transistors (OECTs) are presently a focus of intense research and
hold great potential in expanding the horizons of the bioelectronics industry. The notable …
hold great potential in expanding the horizons of the bioelectronics industry. The notable …
Functions of melatonin in plants: a review
MB Arnao, J Hernández‐Ruiz - Journal of pineal research, 2015 - Wiley Online Library
The number of studies on melatonin in plants has increased significantly in recent years.
This molecule, with a large set of functions in animals, has also shown great potential in …
This molecule, with a large set of functions in animals, has also shown great potential in …
Chronoculture, harnessing the circadian clock to improve crop yield and sustainability
BACKGROUND Global population growth, increased meat consumption, and concerns
about sustainability of resources are driving forces for future agriculture to produce higher …
about sustainability of resources are driving forces for future agriculture to produce higher …
The layers of plant responses to insect herbivores
Plants collectively produce hundreds of thousands of specialized metabolites that are not
required for growth or development. Each species has a qualitatively unique profile, with …
required for growth or development. Each species has a qualitatively unique profile, with …
Circadian entrainment in Arabidopsis by the sugar-responsive transcription factor bZIP63
Synchronization of circadian clocks to the day-night cycle ensures the correct timing of
biological events. This entrainment process is essential to ensure that the phase of the …
biological events. This entrainment process is essential to ensure that the phase of the …
Redox rhythm reinforces the circadian clock to gate immune response
Recent studies have shown that in addition to the transcriptional circadian clock, many
organisms, including Arabidopsis, have a circadian redox rhythm driven by the organism's …
organisms, including Arabidopsis, have a circadian redox rhythm driven by the organism's …
Continuous dynamic adjustment of the plant circadian oscillator
The clockwork of plant circadian oscillators has been resolved through investigations in
Arabidopsis thaliana. The circadian oscillator is an important regulator of much of plant …
Arabidopsis thaliana. The circadian oscillator is an important regulator of much of plant …
The intracellular dynamics of circadian clocks reach for the light of ecology and evolution
AJ Millar - Annual review of plant biology, 2016 -
A major challenge for biology is to extend our understanding of molecular regulation from
the simplified conditions of the laboratory to ecologically relevant environments. Tractable …
the simplified conditions of the laboratory to ecologically relevant environments. Tractable …
Rethinking Transcriptional Activation in the Arabidopsis Circadian Clock
K Fogelmark, C Troein - PLoS computational biology, 2014 -
Circadian clocks are biological timekeepers that allow living cells to time their activity in
anticipation of predictable daily changes in light and other environmental factors. The …
anticipation of predictable daily changes in light and other environmental factors. The …
An in vivo biosensing, biomimetic electrochemical transistor with applications in plant science and precision farming
The in vivo monitoring of key plant physiology parameters will be a key enabler of precision
farming. Here, a biomimetic textile-based biosensor, which can be inserted directly into plant …
farming. Here, a biomimetic textile-based biosensor, which can be inserted directly into plant …