[BOOK][B] Water wells and boreholes

B Misstear, D Banks, L Clark - 2017 - books.google.com
Water Wells and Boreholes focuses on wells that are used for drinking, industry, agriculture
or other supply purposes. Other types of wells and boreholes are also covered, including …

Nitrate pollution in intensively farmed regions: What are the prospects for sustaining high‐quality groundwater?

NJK Howden, TP Burt, F Worrall… - Water Resources …, 2011 - Wiley Online Library
Widespread pollution of groundwater by nutrients due to 20th century agricultural
intensification has been of major concern in the developed world for several decades. This …

Karst hydrogeology of the Chalk and implications for groundwater protection

L Maurice, AR Farrant, E Mathewson, T Atkinson - 2023 - pubs.geoscienceworld.org
The Chalk is an unusual karst aquifer with limited cave development, but extensive networks
of smaller solutional conduits and fissures enabling rapid groundwater flow. Small-scale …

[HTML][HTML] The nature and distribution of flowing features in a weakly karstified porous limestone aquifer

LD Maurice, TC Atkinson, JA Barker, AT Williams… - Journal of …, 2012 - Elsevier
The nature and distribution of flowing features in boreholes in an area of approximately
400km2 in a weakly karstic porous limestone aquifer (the Chalk) was investigated using …

Delineation of leakage pathways in an earth and rockfill dam using multi-tracer tests

H Dong, J Chen, X Li - Engineering Geology, 2016 - Elsevier
In this study, a multiple tracer analysis was carried out to investigate the leakage pathway of
the ** test data in a dual-porosity aquifer (the Chalk aquifer in …