Literature review on ERP implementation challenges

S Ranjan, VK Jha, P Pal - International Journal of Business …, 2016 -
The paper presents a review of the current literature published in journals in the field of
information system application'enterprise resource planning'(ERP) to identify challenges …

An integrated fuzzy multi criteria group decision making approach for ERP system selection

B Efe - Applied Soft Computing, 2016 - Elsevier
This paper aims to ease group decision-making by using an integration of fuzzy AHP
(analytic hierarchy process) and fuzzy TOPSIS (technique for order preference by similarity …

[HTML][HTML] Designing a MCDM model for selection of an optimal ERP software in organization

NV Thanh - Systems, 2022 -
Among the growth of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 and moving towards 5.0, the application of
science and technology is a decisive factor in catching up with new business trends. In …

ARAS Yöntemi KullanılarakKurumsal Kaynak Planlaması Yazılımı Seçimi

F Ecer - Uluslararası Alanya İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi, 2016 -
Anahtar kelimeler: ARAS, Kurumsal Kaynak Planlama, ÇKKVKurumsal Kaynak Planlaması
(Enterprice Resource Planning-ERP) yazılımı sistemleri, etkin ve verimli bir işletme faaliyeti …

Kurumsal kaynak planlama sistemlerinin seçimindeki kriterlerin best-worst metodu ile değerlendirilmesi

H Aşan, E Ayçin - Akademik İzdüşüm Dergisi, 2020 -
Kurumsal kaynak planlama (KKP) sistemleri, iş süreçlerinin iyileştirilmesi ve işletme içindeki
farklı birimler arasındaki entegrasyonun sağlanması bakımından işletmeler için oldukça …

Exploring and analysing the risks and challenges of implementing ERP systems: critical system thinking

SS Mirhosseini, M Ramezani… - International Journal …, 2021 -
One of the success factors in implementing ERP systems is the precise identification of risks.
In this research, using the critical systems heuristics (CSHs), an attempt has been made to …

Multi-criteria decision-making methods: a case of software vendor selection

A Rani, D Mishra, A Omerovic - TEM Journal, 2024 -
Various multi-criteria decision-making methods have been utilized in literature to address
vendor selection challenges in various contexts. This study reflects on these decision …

Resource planning system for organisations-a soft computing approach

E Zarafshan, S Gholami, R Sheikh… - International Journal of …, 2021 -
Information systems play a vital role in organisations to make successful business strategies
according to the organisation's senior executives' vision to compete with other enterprises …

A Hybrid MCDM Approach based on AHP, and TOPSIS to select an ERP system in Bangladesh

MR Uddin, A Al Noman, F Tasnim… - … on Information and …, 2021 -
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software has become a very important part of the
business nowadays. The main aim of this paper is to choose the most qualified and efficient …


A Beskese, A Corum, M Anolay - International Journal of …, 2019 -
ERP turned out to be one of the most valuable tools since it is a strong means to integrate
the functions both within a company and among the companies within a supply chain. This …