[HTML][HTML] National SDG-7 performance assessment to support achieving sustainable energy for all within planetary limits

CH Gebara, A Laurent - Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2023 - Elsevier
Several gaps and limitations characterise present indicators for United Nations' Sustainable
Development Goal 7 (SDG-7), thus impeding effective policy-making. Here, we propose a …

Analysing the alignment between circular economy and industry 4.0 nexus with industry 5.0 era: An integrative systematic literature review

S Atif - Sustainable Development, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
Circular economy (CE) and Industry 4.0 (I4. 0) laid the foundation of intelligent and
sustainable manufacturing based on real‐time data collection. However, the absence of a …

Review of life-cycle based methods for absolute environmental sustainability assessment and their applications

A Bjørn, C Chandrakumar, AM Boulay… - Environmental …, 2020 - iopscience.iop.org
In many regions and at the planetary scale, human pressures on the environment exceed
levels that natural systems can sustain. These pressures are caused by networks of human …

[HTML][HTML] Creating environmental performance indicators to assess corporate sustainability and reward employees

L Marrucci, T Daddi, F Iraldo - Ecological Indicators, 2024 - Elsevier
Assessing environmental performance, measuring the circular economy and quantifying
decarbonization have become crucial in green management in recent years. Both scholars …

Downscaling the planetary boundaries in absolute environmental sustainability assessments–A review

MW Ryberg, MM Andersen, M Owsianiak… - Journal of cleaner …, 2020 - Elsevier
The safe operating space as defined by the Planetary Boundaries framework can be used
as an environmental sustainability reference in absolute environmental sustainability …

[HTML][HTML] Selecting indicators for measuring progress towards sustainable development goals at the global, national and corporate levels

CH Gebara, C Thammaraksa, M Hauschild… - Sustainable Production …, 2024 - Elsevier
Abstract The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) guide towards sustainability across a
broad palette of aspects. Since their adoption by the United Nations in 2015, many …

Toward assessing absolute environmental sustainability of chemical pollution

MB Kosnik, MZ Hauschild, P Fantke - Environmental science & …, 2022 - ACS Publications
Chemicals are widely used in modern society, which can lead to negative impacts on
ecosystems. Despite the urgent relevance for global policy setting, there are no established …

[HTML][HTML] The role of planetary boundaries in assessing absolute environmental sustainability across scales

M Li, T Wiedmann, K Fang, M Hadjikakou - Environment international, 2021 - Elsevier
The idea of revisiting the biophysical limits of human life on planet Earth has gained
renewed momentum in the Anthropocene. The planetary boundaries (PBs) framework has …

LCIA framework and cross-cutting issues guidance within the UNEP-SETAC Life Cycle Initiative

F Verones, J Bare, C Bulle, R Frischknecht… - Journal of cleaner …, 2017 - Elsevier
Increasing needs for decision support and advances in scientific knowledge within life cycle
assessment (LCA) led to substantial efforts to provide global guidance on environmental life …

A life cycle assessment (LCA)-based approach to guiding an industry sector towards sustainability: the case of the Swedish apparel sector

S Roos, B Zamani, G Sandin, GM Peters… - Journal of Cleaner …, 2016 - Elsevier
The environmental challenges associated with consumption of textiles have generally been
investigated on product level in Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) studies. For social …