[HTML][HTML] National SDG-7 performance assessment to support achieving sustainable energy for all within planetary limits
Several gaps and limitations characterise present indicators for United Nations' Sustainable
Development Goal 7 (SDG-7), thus impeding effective policy-making. Here, we propose a …
Development Goal 7 (SDG-7), thus impeding effective policy-making. Here, we propose a …
Analysing the alignment between circular economy and industry 4.0 nexus with industry 5.0 era: An integrative systematic literature review
S Atif - Sustainable Development, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
Circular economy (CE) and Industry 4.0 (I4. 0) laid the foundation of intelligent and
sustainable manufacturing based on real‐time data collection. However, the absence of a …
sustainable manufacturing based on real‐time data collection. However, the absence of a …
Review of life-cycle based methods for absolute environmental sustainability assessment and their applications
In many regions and at the planetary scale, human pressures on the environment exceed
levels that natural systems can sustain. These pressures are caused by networks of human …
levels that natural systems can sustain. These pressures are caused by networks of human …
[HTML][HTML] Creating environmental performance indicators to assess corporate sustainability and reward employees
Assessing environmental performance, measuring the circular economy and quantifying
decarbonization have become crucial in green management in recent years. Both scholars …
decarbonization have become crucial in green management in recent years. Both scholars …
Downscaling the planetary boundaries in absolute environmental sustainability assessments–A review
The safe operating space as defined by the Planetary Boundaries framework can be used
as an environmental sustainability reference in absolute environmental sustainability …
as an environmental sustainability reference in absolute environmental sustainability …
[HTML][HTML] Selecting indicators for measuring progress towards sustainable development goals at the global, national and corporate levels
Abstract The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) guide towards sustainability across a
broad palette of aspects. Since their adoption by the United Nations in 2015, many …
broad palette of aspects. Since their adoption by the United Nations in 2015, many …
Toward assessing absolute environmental sustainability of chemical pollution
Chemicals are widely used in modern society, which can lead to negative impacts on
ecosystems. Despite the urgent relevance for global policy setting, there are no established …
ecosystems. Despite the urgent relevance for global policy setting, there are no established …
[HTML][HTML] The role of planetary boundaries in assessing absolute environmental sustainability across scales
The idea of revisiting the biophysical limits of human life on planet Earth has gained
renewed momentum in the Anthropocene. The planetary boundaries (PBs) framework has …
renewed momentum in the Anthropocene. The planetary boundaries (PBs) framework has …
LCIA framework and cross-cutting issues guidance within the UNEP-SETAC Life Cycle Initiative
Increasing needs for decision support and advances in scientific knowledge within life cycle
assessment (LCA) led to substantial efforts to provide global guidance on environmental life …
assessment (LCA) led to substantial efforts to provide global guidance on environmental life …
A life cycle assessment (LCA)-based approach to guiding an industry sector towards sustainability: the case of the Swedish apparel sector
The environmental challenges associated with consumption of textiles have generally been
investigated on product level in Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) studies. For social …
investigated on product level in Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) studies. For social …