[KNYGA][B] Spectral analysis of large dimensional random matrices

Z Bai, JW Silverstein - 2010 - Springer
The aim of this book is to investigate the spectral properties of random matrices (RM) when
their dimensions tend to infinity. All classical limiting theorems in statistics are under the …

Springer series in statistics

P Bickel, P Diggle, S Fienberg, U Gather, I Olkin… - Principles and Theory …, 2009 - Springer
The idea for this book came from the time the authors spent at the Statistics and Applied
Mathematical Sciences Institute (SAMSI) in Research Triangle Park in North Carolina …

Sparse solution of underdetermined systems of linear equations by stagewise orthogonal matching pursuit

DL Donoho, Y Tsaig, I Drori… - IEEE transactions on …, 2012 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Finding the sparsest solution to underdetermined systems of linear equations y= Φ x is NP-
hard in general. We show here that for systems with “typical”/“random” Φ, a good …

Interleave division multiple-access

L **, L Liu, K Wu, WK Leung - IEEE transactions on wireless …, 2006 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
This paper provides a comprehensive study of interleave-division multiple-access (IDMA)
systems. The IDMA receiver principles for different modulation and channel conditions are …

Performance analysis of ZF and MMSE equalizers for MIMO systems: An in-depth study of the high SNR regime

Y Jiang, MK Varanasi, J Li - IEEE Transactions on Information …, 2011 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
This paper presents an in-depth analysis of the zero forcing (ZF) and minimum mean
squared error (MMSE) equalizers applied to wireless multiinput multioutput (MIMO) systems …

On the distribution of SINR for the MMSE MIMO receiver and performance analysis

P Li, D Paul, R Narasimhan… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2005 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
This correspondence studies the statistical distribution of the signal-to-interference-plus-
noise ratio (SINR) for the minimum mean-square error (MMSE) receiver in multiple-input …

The impact of frequency-flat fading on the spectral efficiency of CDMA

S Shamai, S Verdú - IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 2001 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The capacity of the randomly spread synchronous code-division multiple-access (CDMA)
channel subject to frequency-flat fading is studied in the wide-band limit of large number of …

Iterative multiuser joint decoding: Unified framework and asymptotic analysis

J Boutros, G Caire - IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 2002 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
We present a framework for iterative multiuser joint decoding of code-division multiple-
access (CDMA) signals, based on the factor-graph representation and on the sum-product …

Downlink capacity of interference-limited MIMO systems with joint detection

H Dai, AF Molisch, HV Poor - IEEE Transactions on Wireless …, 2004 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The capacity of downlink cellular multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems, where co-
channel interference is the dominant channel impairment, is investigated in this paper …

Downlink MMSE transceiver optimization for multiuser MIMO systems: Duality and sum-MSE minimization

S Shi, M Schubert, H Boche - IEEE Transactions on Signal …, 2007 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
We address the problem of minimum mean square error (MMSE) transceiver design for point-
to-multipoint transmission in multiuser multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) systems. We …