Low-frequency oscillation in power grids with virtual synchronous generators: A comprehensive review
Y Wang, S Chen, M Yang, P Liao, X ** support enabled by proposed virtual inductance control for grid-forming virtual synchronous generator
C Li, Y Yang, Y Cao, A Aleshina, J Xu… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2022 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Inertia and dam** are the core index of the estimation of power system stability. Existing
analysis to the support of inertia and dam** are focused on the improvement of system …
analysis to the support of inertia and dam** are focused on the improvement of system …
Generalized virtual synchronous generator control design for renewable power systems
Grid-forming inverters (GFMIs) are recognized as one of the key enablers towards highly
renewable energy proliferated grids. One of the pivotal characteristicsof GFMIs is the ability …
renewable energy proliferated grids. One of the pivotal characteristicsof GFMIs is the ability …
Multivariable control design for grid-forming inverters with decoupled active and reactive power loops
Grid-forming inverters (GFMIs) are recognized as a prominent driver toward achieving
renewable energy-rich power grids. Unlike grid-following inverters (GFLIs), which are …
renewable energy-rich power grids. Unlike grid-following inverters (GFLIs), which are …
Dynamic interaction analysis and dam** control strategy of hybrid system with grid-forming and grid-following control modes
P Sun, H Xu, J Yao, Y Chi, S Huang… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2023 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The dynamic behavior of converters with different synchronous control modes is significantly
different. Therefore, the renewable energy grid-connected system cannot be equivalent as …
different. Therefore, the renewable energy grid-connected system cannot be equivalent as …
A new virtual inductance control method for frequency stabilization of grid-forming virtual synchronous generators
Frequency stabilization is the premise of guaranteeing grid-friendly integration of virtual
synchronous generator (VSG). Based on that premise, this article, focused on frequency …
synchronous generator (VSG). Based on that premise, this article, focused on frequency …
Analysis and control of frequency stability in low-inertia power systems: A review
Power electronic-interfaced renewable energy sources (RES) exhibit lower inertia compared
to traditional synchronous generators. The large-scale integration of RES has led to a …
to traditional synchronous generators. The large-scale integration of RES has led to a …
Frequency stability prediction of renewable energy penetrated power systems using CoAtNet and SHAP values
P Liu, S Han, N Rong - Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 2023 - Elsevier
As the complexity of power systems increases, traditional model-driven methods for online
frequency stability prediction (FSP) encounter constraints in both accuracy and efficiency. To …
frequency stability prediction (FSP) encounter constraints in both accuracy and efficiency. To …
Inter-area oscillation analysis of power system integrated with virtual synchronous generators
Increasing integration of inverter-based resources (IBRs) brings new power system stability
challenges. Virtual synchronous generator control-based IBRs (VSG-IBRs) are expected to …
challenges. Virtual synchronous generator control-based IBRs (VSG-IBRs) are expected to …
Pre synchronization control strategy of virtual synchronous generator (VSG) in micro-grid
The constant increase of energy demand and the widespread adoption of renewable energy
sources have led to the significant interest in micro-grids, which are small-scale power …
sources have led to the significant interest in micro-grids, which are small-scale power …